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Vega Kapoor

MMath student, Actuarial Science

Why did you pursue your graduate studies at the University of Waterloo?

The University of Waterloo is well known for its Faculty of Mathematics. The professors at UWaterloo have done exceptional work in this field and I wanted to learn from the best.

Vega KapoorDescribe your research and what makes you passionate about it

I am planning to research in the field of auto insurance. With the changes in our environment, especially the pandemic, auto insurance companies provided rebates and cashback of premiums to policyholders as there were fewer cars on the road. This has increased the demand for pay-per-use based auto insurance. The premiums will be tailored to the usage of the policyholder.

Tell us about where you are from

I was born and brought up in India. I did my Bachelor in Mathematics from the University of Delhi, India and an MBA from India as well. I have two years of working experience with a global actuarial consulting firm.

What is the best part about being a grad student?

You get a master's degree! Being a grad student teaches the concepts in a deeper manner with a much more in-depth level of understanding.

Tell us about what activities, groups, events you are involved in

I am a member of the UW ActSci club and I mentor with them.

What campus services have you accessed and how have they been useful to your academics or your well-being as a student?

Immigration consulting in the Student Success Office is such a big help.

How has grad school helped you develop your teaching skills?

It’s definitely helped. I am learning a lot being a TA.

Do you have any highlights or successes to share about your teaching activities/roles?

Due to classes being online, I haven’t had the chance to teach yet. However, I make sure that I am fair in grading the students' questions.

How do you spend your free time?

Embroidery and cleaning.

What advice do you have for new graduate students?

The first few months of graduate school feel overwhelming, but it is definitely worth the hard work.

What are your plans once you finish your education?

To work in the insurance industry

What are some of the challenging aspects of being a graduate student and how do you address these challenges?

Time management. I make a daily schedule in my planner and stick to it.

Country of origin: India

Domestic or International: International

Academic stream: Research

Full-time or part-time: Full-time

Research supervisorDavid Landriault

TA/RA or GRS held: TA/RA

University of Waterloo