Current graduate students

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 9:00 am - 10:00 am EDT (GMT -04:00)

On quantum time complexity of divide and conquer

Math CS Seminar - Jinge Bao, National University of Singapore

200 University Ave W. Waterloo - ZOOM

We initiate a systematic study of the time complexity of quantum divide and conquer algorithms for classical problems. We establish generic conditions under which search and minimization problems with classical divide and conquer algorithms are amenable to quantum speedup and apply these theorems to an array of problems involving strings, integers, and geometric objects. They include LONGEST DISTINCT SUBSTRING, KLEE'S COVERAGE, several optimization problems on stock transactions, and k-INCREASING SUBSEQUENCE. For most of these results, our quantum time upper bound matches the quantum query lower bound for the problem, up to polylogarithmic factors.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Quantum Community

En francais

With a focus on collaboration and community, the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) is proud to host regular social events for our members. While media and popular culture often portray the image of a lone researcher working late nights in a lab or at a computer to make breakthroughs, the more realistic portrayal of new ideas and discoveries can be encompassed through partnerships and teamwork.

IQC Colloquium/IEEE-SSCS Distinguished Lecture - René-Jean Essiambre, Nokia/Bell Labs

University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave W. Waterloo, QNC 0101

The first part of this presentation will provide a brief overview of optical technologies that enabled high-capacity fiber-optic communication systems, from single-mode fibers to fibers supporting multiple spatial modes. A perspective on the evolution of high-capacity systems will be discussed. The second part of the talk will focus on power-e ciency optical detection systems. More specifically, we will describe an experimental demonstration of a system operating at 12.5 bits/photon with optical clock transmission and recovery on free-running transmitters and receivers.

About René-Jean Essiambre Dr. Essiambre worked in the areas of fiber lasers, nonlinear fiber optics, advanced modulation formats, space-division multiplexing, information theory, and high-photon-e ciency systems. He participated in the design of commercial fiber-optic communication systems where several of his inventions were implemented. He has given over 150 invited talks and helped prepare and delivered the 2018 Physics Nobel Prize Lecture on behalf of Arthur Ashkin. He served on or chaired many conference committees, including OFC, ECOC, CLEO, and IPC. He received the 2005 Engineering Excellence Award from OPTICA and is a fellow of the IEEE, OPTICA, IAS-TUM, and Bell Labs. He was President of the IEEE Photonics Society (2022-2023) and is currently the Past-President (2024-2025).

Wednesday, April 17, 2024 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Open Quantum Computing, One Atom at a Time

Rajibul Islam
Faculty, Institute for Quantum Computing
Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo
Co-founder, Open Quantum Design

Quantum-Nano Centre, 200 University Ave West, Room QNC 0101 Waterloo, ON CA N2L 3G1

Quantum computing promises to advance our computational abilities significantly in many high-impact research areas. In this period of rapid development, the experimental capabilities needed to build quantum computing devices and prototypes are highly specialized and often difficult to access. In this public talk, we'll discuss how to build quantum computing devices one atom a time using the ion-trap approach. We'll show how we build quantum bits out of individually isolated atoms, explore how we use them to simulate other complex systems, and showcase how we're building open-access hardware to advance research in this exciting field.

Monday, March 25, 2024 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Fundamental physics at the quantum limits of measurement

IQC Colloquium - Daniel Carney, Berkeley Labs

200 University Ave. W. Waterloo Ontario, QNC 0101

The search for new fundamental physics -- particles, fields, new objects in the sky, etc -- requires a relentless supply of more and more sensitive detection modalities. Experiments looking for new physics are starting to regularly encounter noise sources generated by the quantum mechanics of measurement itself. This noise now needs to be engineered away. The search for gravitational waves with LIGO, and their recent use of squeezed light, provides perhaps the most famous example. More broadly, searches for various dark matter candidates, precision nuclear physics, and even tests of the quantization of gravity are all now working within this quantum-limited regime of measurement. In this talk, I will give an overview of this set of ideas, focusing on activity going on now and what can plausibly be achieved within the next decade or so.

Monday, March 11, 2024 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Quantum error-correcting codes are far from classical: a quantitative examination

Special Colloquium - Zhi Li, Perimeter Institute

University of Waterloo 200 University Ave. W Waterloo QNC 0101

Quantum error-correcting codes play a pivotal role in enabling fault-tolerant quantum computation. These codes protect quantum information through intricately designed redundancies that encode the information in a global manner. Unlike classical objects, in a quantum error-correcting code, the knowledge of individual subregions, even when combined, reveals nothing about the overall state.

In this talk, we explore the quantification of how far quantum error-correcting code are from classical states. We examine this question from three different perspectives: circuit complexity (the mimimal number of circuit depth needed to prepare a quantum state), expansion number (the minimal number of terms needed to expand the wavefunction), and a quantity we termed product overlap, which characterizes the maximal overlap between a given state and any product state. We will demonstrate why any quantum error-correcting code states must exhibit exponentially small product overlap, and how it implies lower bounds for the circuit complexity and the expansion number.

En francais

Since 2017, the Quantum Quest Seed Fund (QQSF) has awarded more than $2.88 million to quantum researchers across the University of Waterloo. This winter’s round of funding has been awarded to three Waterloo professors, as they explore and innovate new ideas and applications for quantum devices.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Hamiltonians whose low-energy states require Ω(n) T gates

CS/Math Seminar - Nolan Coble - University of Maryland, College Park

200 University Ave. Waterloo ON. QNC 1201 + ZOOM

The recent resolution of the NLTS Conjecture [ABN22] establishes a prerequisite to the Quantum PCP (QPCP) Conjecture through a novel use of newly-constructed QLDPC codes [LZ22]. Even with NLTS now solved, there remain many independent and unresolved prerequisites to the QPCP Conjecture, such as the NLSS Conjecture of [GL22]. In this talk we focus on a specific and natural prerequisite to both NLSS and the QPCP Conjecture, namely, the existence of local Hamiltonians whose low-energy states all require ω(log n) T gates to prepare. In fact, we will show a stronger result which is not necessarily implied by either conjecture: we construct local Hamiltonians whose low-energy states require Ω(n) T gates. We further show that our procedure can be applied to the NLTS Hamiltonians of [ABN22] to yield local Hamiltonians whose low-energy states require both Ω(log n)-depth and Ω(n) T gates to prepare. This result represents a significant improvement over [CCNN23] where we used a different technique to give an energy bound which only distinguishes between stabilizer states and states which require a non-zero number of T gates.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

IQC Student Seminar Featuring Sarah Li

Improving the Fidelity of CNOT Circuits on NISQ Hardware

Quantum-Nano Centre, 200 University Ave West, Room QNC 1201 Waterloo, ON CA N2L 3G1

We introduce an improved CNOT synthesis algorithm that considers nearest-neighbour interactions and CNOT gate error rates in noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) hardware. Our contribution is twofold. First, we define a \Cost function by approximating the average gate fidelity Favg. According to the simulation results, \Cost fits the error probability of a noisy CNOT circuit, Prob = 1 - Favg, much tighter than the commonly used cost functions. On IBM's fake Nairobi backend, it fits Prob with an error at most 10^(-3). On other backends, it fits Prob with an error at most 10^(-1). \Cost accounts for the machine calibration data, and thus accurately quantifies the dynamic error characteristics of a NISQ-executable CNOT circuit. Moreover, it circumvents the computation complexity of calculating Favg and shows remarkable scalability. 

Second, we propose an architecture-aware CNOT synthesis algorithm, NAPermRowCol, by adapting the leading Steiner-tree-based synthesis algorithms. A weighted edge is used to encode a CNOT gate error rate and \Cost-instructed heuristics are applied to each reduction step. Compared to IBM's Qiskit compiler, it reduces \Cost by a factor of 2 on average (and up to a factor of 8.8). It lowers the synthesized CNOT count by a factor of 13 on average (up to a factor of 162). Compared with algorithms that are noise-agnostic, it is effective and scalable to improve the fidelity of CNOT circuits. Depending on the benchmark circuit and the IBM backend selected, it lowers the synthesized CNOT count up to 56.95% compared to ROWCOL and up to 21.62% compared to PermRowCol. It reduces the synthesis \Cost up to 25.71% compared to ROWCOL and up to 9.12% compared to PermRowCol. NAPermRowCol improves the fidelity and execution time of a synthesized CNOT circuit across varied NISQ hardware. It does not use ancillary qubits and is not restricted to certain initial qubit maps. It could be generalized to route a more complicated quantum circuit, and eventually boost the overall efficiency and accuracy of quantum computing on NISQ devices. 

Joint-work with: Dohun Kim, Minyoung Kim, and Michele Mosca

IQC Special Colloquium - Aziza Suleymanzade, Harvard University

200 University Ave W. Waterloo ON - ZOOM only

The experimental development of quantum networks marks a significant scientific milestone, poised to enable secure quantum communication, distributed quantum computing, and entanglement-enhanced nonlocal sensing. In this talk, I will discuss the recent advancements in the field along with the outstanding challenges through my work on two different platforms: Silicon Vacancy defects in diamond nanophotonic cavities and Rydberg atoms coupled to hybrid cavities. First, I will present our recent results on distributing entanglement across a two-node network with on-chip solid-state defects in cavities which we built at Harvard. We demonstrated high-fidelity entanglement between communication and memory qubits and showed long-distance entanglement over the 35 km of deployed fiber in the Cambridge/Boston area. Second, I will describe our work at the University of Chicago on using Rydberg atoms as transducers of quantum information between optical and microwave photons, with the goal of integrating Rydberg platforms with superconducting circuits and paving the way for advanced quantum network architectures. The talk will conclude with a perspective on the potential of this hybrid platform approach in constructing quantum networks, highlighting the uncharted scientific and technological opportunities it could unlock.