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Monday, September 26, 2022 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)


Jonathan Lavoie, Experimental Physicist, Xanadu Quantum Technologies

A quantum computer attains computational advantage when outperforming the best classical computers running the best-known algorithms on well-defined tasks. No photonic machine offering programmability over all its quantum gates has demonstrated quantum computational advantage: previous machines were largely restricted to static gate sequences. I will discuss a quantum computational advantage using Borealis, the latest of Xanadu’s photonic processors offering dynamic programmability and available on the cloud. This work is a critical milestone on the path to a practical quantum computer, validating key technological features of photonics as a platform for this goal.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

IQC Student Seminar featuring Amit Anand

Quantum Chaos in Kicked Top

Quantum-classical correspondence is of fundamental interest as it allows for computing and analysing the quantum properties with respect to their classical counterparts. This helps us study the transition from the quantum to the classical. According to the correspondence principle, quantum mechanics should agree with classical mechanics in appropriate limits. In our first project, we show that currently available NISQ computers can be used for versatile quantum simulations of chaotic systems. We introduce a classical-quantum hybrid approach for exploring the dynamics of the chaotic quantum kicked top (QKT) on a  universal quantum computer. The programmability of this approach allows us to experimentally explore the complete range of QKT chaoticity parameter regimes inaccessible to previous studies. Furthermore, the number of gates in our simulation does not increase with the number of kicks, thus making it possible to study the QKT evolution for arbitrary number of kicks without fidelity loss. Using a publicly accessible NISQ computer (IBMQ), we observe periodicities in the evolution of the 2-qubit QKT, as well as signatures of chaos in the time-averaged 2-qubit entanglement. We also demonstrate a connection between entanglement and delocalization in the 2-qubit QKT, confirming theoretical predictions. However, the connection between classical and quantum mechanics is not straightforward, especially in chaotic systems. The question of why a chaotic system, in certain situations, breaks the correspondence principle remains one of the open questions. Nevertheless, the breaking of Quantum classical correspondence for a large system i.e., the large value of j (but finite), is surprising. It suggests that the system never behaves classically in certain situations, irrespective of the system size. It is also worth exploring this strange behavior from an experimental point of view, as it will decide the parameters of the experimental setup designed for studying Quantum Chaos.

Thursday, October 6, 2022 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Multidimensional Quantum Walks, with Application to k-Distinctness

Stacey Jefferey - QuSoft

While the quantum query complexity of k-distinctness is known to be O(n^{3/4−1/4(2k−1)}) for any constant k≥4, the best previous upper bound on the time complexity was ~O(n^{1−1/k}). We give a new upper bound of ~O(n^{3/4−1/4(2k−1)}) on the time complexity, matching the query complexity up to polylogarithmic factors. In order to achieve this upper bound, we give a new technique for designing quantum walk search algorithms, which is an extension of the electric network framework. We also show how to solve the welded trees problem in O(n) queries and O(n^2) time using this new technique, showing that the new quantum walk framework can achieve exponential speedups.

Friday, October 14, 2022 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Seminar featuring Professor Richard Curry, University of Manchester

The ability to engineer the electrical, optical and magnetic properties of advanced materials on the nanoscale is of increasing importance to the development of future technologies. One approach to achieving this is through impurity doping, with increased control over the spatial resolution and isotopic purity enabled by the development of dedicated tools. In this talk the 'P-NAME' tool will be described, and the underlying principle surrounding its application for the development of doped systems for quantum technologies including qubits presented. cont.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Informal seminar featuring Professor Anthony Leggett, University of Illinois

Professor Anthony Leggett - University of Illinois

One of the historically earliest proposals for implementing the idea of (partially) protected topological quantum computing involves the physical braiding of the Majorana fermions believed to exist in two-dimensional Fermi superfluids in which the order parameter has the so-called chiral ("p+ip") symmetry. (For many years a plausible candidate system was single-plane strontium ruthenate, but recent experiments have somewhat muddied the waters). The original theoretical paper on this topic (Ivanov 2001), and most of the subsequent literature on it, uses the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations, thereby violating the principle of conservation of total particle number. In this informal talk I will report on some work with Yiruo Lin* which inter alia attempts to examine how far the standard conclusions continue to hold when we insist on conserving particle number.

There's growing awareness of the lack of diversity in science and the presence of barriers to inclusion. What factors lead to disparities in representation? Why should we be motivated to effect change? What can we do to change things? Will our actions really make a difference? 

This presentation will focus on ideas to challenge the status quo – actions to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). We will discuss recent research to illustrate and raise awareness of the many EDI challenges in science, then explore various practical ways to take action to advance EDI. These practical actions stem from our recently released "Science is For Everyone" Teaching toolkit, which provides an abundance of ideas to diversify science education and further support recruitment, retention, and advancement of all students. We will touch on the importance of diversifying content and talk about how Indigenous content is being brought into post-secondary science courses. Finally, we will give an overview of other exciting science EDI initiatives across research and academic life.