Workshop to be held at Perimeter Institute April 28-May 2, 2008
The workshop has three focus areas:
- Local graph-theoretical operations.
- Measures of connectivity and entanglement.
- Uses of graph states in quantum information processing and simulation of quantum systems.
These topics focus on local properties of graphs, how they interplay with global properties of graphs, and how these properties are used in quantum information processing and other areas. Questions of interest include: "Which global properties are invariant under local operations?", "Which measures of the global strength of graphs like connectivity relate to properties of quantum systems such as entanglement?", "How versatile are these global properties under alternations, e.g., to which extend can quantum mechanical systems corresponding to graphs with weak global properties be simulated classically?", "How can global graph properties be utilized in quantum computing, and how do they relate to studies of entanglement and non-locality?"