The Early Researcher Award program (ERA) is a new program that aims to help promising, recently-appointed Ontario researchers build their research teams of graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and research associates.
The ultimate goal of the program is to improve Ontario's ability to attract and retain the best and brightest research talent in high-priority economic areas.
We would like to congratulate four IQC members as 2006 recipients of the Early Researcher Awards: Gregor Weihs, Ashwin Nayak, David Kribs and Jan Kycia.
Gregor Weihs
Quantum Communication
Professor Gregor Weihs of the University of Waterloo will use an Early Researcher Award to study what many agree is the future of information technology, quantum communication. Quantum computers will be able to solve problems that are intractable on conventional computers while providing absolute data security. This project will focus on a central element of quantum communication technology: sources of single photons and photon pairs. The work being done by Professor Weihs could be the building blocks of future quantum communication networks..
Ashwin Nayak
Efficient Quantum Algorithms and Protocols
Experimental prototypes of the quantum mechanical computer have already been built, and it is only a matter of time before they will process billions of calculations simultaneously. This tremendous increase in computing power will obviously be of benefit. At the same time, these same quantum computers could be used to "crack" the most sophisticated data encryption schemes. Dr. Ashwin Nayak and a team of researchers at the University of Waterloo will devise new procedures that use the power of quantum computing to solve a variety of problems such as those in statistical physics, and also devise protocols for cryptography that ensure the strongest possible security.
David Kribs
Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Error Correction
Experimental prototypes of the quantum mechanical computer have already been built, and it is only a matter of time before they will process billions of calculations simultaneously. These amazing possibilities face challenges including "errors" that disrupt quantum systems as they evolve in time. Dr. David W. Kribs and a team at the University of Guelph will use a mathematical approach to find new techniques for error correction and maximize the potential of quantum computers. Since their work is interdisciplinary, it will offer opportunities to apply tools from physics and computer science to these problems.
Jan Kycia
Studying and Applying Quantum Effects in Superconducting Devices
Superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) are currently the most sensitive sensors of magnetic fields. For example, a SQUID can detect a change in magnetic field as little as 100 billion times weaker than the earth's magnetic field which is responsible for moving compass needles. Dr. Jan Kycia is leading a research team at the University of Waterloo that is dedicated to making these devices even better by studying the intrinsic noise that is currently a significant obstacle for their use in quantum computing. The research will also produce new measurement techniques that could be used in everything from medical scans to mineral exploration. Jan work in is in the area of superconductivity.