Conclusion of this year's WIN-MISMap Grad Exchange

Friday, September 30, 2016

Photo of WIN Director and visiting Post-DocInterim WIN Director Dr. Kleinke (right) says good-bye and thanks to Wojciech Wegner, Ph.D. student from Warsaw (left).

As part of WIN's partnership with the University of Warsaw Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MISMap), three interational graduate students visited this year to carry out research in our state-of-the-art facilities. The full list of students from Warsaw includes: Wojciech Wegner with Dr. Holger Kleinke in Chemistry, Agnieszka Starobrat with Dr. Linda Nazar in Chemistry; Olga Kryskiak with Prof. Michael Pope in Chemical Engineering.

The University of Warsaw's MISMap College is the elite interdisciplinary college for exceptional students. The WIN-MISMap partnership was signed in May 2013. Since then, nine graduate students from MISMap have visited the University of Waterloo for research internships.

Today is the conclusion of this year's exchange.