Global Futures

University of Waterloo has embarked on an ambitious plan for Global Futures, and interdisciplinary research will be one of the drivers that will enable this opportunity. The Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN) at the University of Waterloo is at the forefront of cutting-edge interdisciplinary research. With our long-standing collaborations with the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, we are enabling Technological Futures. We are creating new materials and devices to meet the world’s most pressing challenges while ensuring that such disruptive technologies have minimal environmental impact. This is enabled through our partnership with the Faculty of Environment. Our commitment to the UN SDGs enables us to pursue Sustainable Futures. Our researchers are creating sensors, building new medical devices that could democratize health care, developing innovative therapeutics that could cure life-threatening diseases, and bringing technology closer to patients through ongoing partnerships with the Faculty of Health, which is fostering Health Futures. Finally, an exponential technology like nanotechnology will create a better and equitable society for everyone where we can benefit from the economy of scales and, at the same time, provide value-addition through societal impact, thereby fostering Societal Futures and Economic Futures in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts for our local community, across Canada and beyond.

global future graphic: environment, health, sustainability, and technology all point towards nanotechnology for society