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Dennis Wong, Business Development Manager
WIN Members
Eihab Abdel-Rahman
Research interests: dynamics of micro and nano systems; micro power generators; MEMS and NEMS; atomic force microscopes
Nasser M. Abukhdeir
Research interests: self-assembly modeling and simulation of high-order functional materials (liquid crystals, block copolymers)
Marc Aucoin
Research interests: synthetic biology; virus based systems as novel nanobiomaterials; complex biologies
Hany Aziz
Research interests: organic electronic and optoelectronic materials and devices; flexible and printable electronics
Dayan Ban
Research interests: terahertz; quantum cascading lasers; nanophotonics; nanofabrication; SPM
Jonathan Baugh
Research interests: semiconductor quantum devices, quantum transport, spin-based quantum information processing
Raffi Budakian
Research interests: coupling spins and nanomechanical oscillators; nanometer scale magnetic resonance imaging
Melanie Campbell
Research interests: optical properties of the eye; refractive properties of the crystalline confocal laser scanning; macroscopy
Pu Chen
Research interests: targeted drug and gene delivery; interfacial engineering; bio-medical engineering; polymer synthesis; energy storage and rechargeable batteries
John Corrigan
Research interests: structure and reactivity of atomically precise nanoclusters
Travis Craddock
Research interests: biomolecular information processing; nanoscale neuroscience; computational biophysics; quantum biology; neuroinflammation
Eric Croiset
Research interests: Reaction Engineering, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC), Syngas/Hydrogen production, Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS), Process simulation, Reactions in Supercritical Water, Green Reaction Engineering, Large scale optimization of energy systems, CO2 capture from large point sources
Bo Cui
Research interests: micro-nanofabrication, lithography, MEMS fabrication, microneedle, AFM probe fabrication, terahertz photoconductive antenna, dry plasma etching
Kyle J. Daun
Research interests: laser-based nanoparticle metrology; gas phase nanoparticle synthesis; gas dynamics and molecular dynamics
Goretty Dias
Research interests: sustainability assessment of product systems, particularly emerging technologies, and biobased systems
Jean Duhamel
Research interests: characterization and modeling of polymers; colloidal particles and chain folding using fluorescence
Shahrzad Esmaeili
Research interests: nanostructured metallic biomaterials; phase transformations and surface modifications
Christian Euler (He/Him)
Research interests: Metabolic Engineering, Systems Biology, Industrial Bioengineering, Circular Economy
Conrard Giresse Tetsassi Feugmo
Research interests: Computational chemistry, Machine Learning, Materials Sciences, Nonlinear Optics, Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopies, High performance computing and software development, Data solutions for sciences, Computational electrochemistry and surface science
Marianna Foldvari
Research interests: bio-nanotechnology - novel strategies for improved transdermal delivery systems
James Forrest
Research interests: surfaces and interaction of softmaterials (polymers, proteins, colloids) at the nanoscale
Mario Gauthier
Research interests: polymer synthesis, modification, characterization; arborescent polymer structures and applications
Michel Gingras
Research interests: quantum magnetism, frustrated classical and quantum magnetism, spin ice, random disordered condensed matter systems
Moira Glerum
Research interests: mitochondrial biogenesis and myopathies; microfluidics, assembly of cytochrome oxidase
Irene Goldthorpe
Research interests: nanomaterials synthesis, characterization; device integration
Jeff Gostick
Research interests: porous materials, electrodes, energy storage
Komal Habib
Research interests: resource and waste management, material and energy flow analysis from micro- to macro-scale and exploring resource dependency of future clean energy systems
David Hawthorn
Research interests: experimental condensed matter physics, x-ray scattering and x-ray spectroscopy, superconductivity, resonant soft x-ray scattering, quantum materials
Emmanuel Ho
Research interests: Drug delivery and pharmaceutics; Nanomedicine, medical devices, biomaterials; 3D Printing, hot-melt injection molding; HIV/AIDS, cancer, chronic wound healing
Todd Holyoak
Research interests: enzymology, structural biology/macromolecular crystallography, biochemistry/biophysics, recombinant protein expression
John Honek
Research interests: bionanotechnology, mechanistic enzymology; recombinant DNA and biophysical methods; medicinal chemistry and molecular modeling
Scott Hopkins
Research interests: velocity map imaging; structure and reactivites of nanoclusters; high-resolution spectroscopy
Lyndon Jones
Research interests: interaction of novel and existing contact lens materials with the ocular environment, dry eye and the development of novel materials for ocular drug delivery
Subha Kalyaanamoorthy
Research interests: developing and employing computational methods to address biological, health and environmental challenges
Milad Kamkar
Research interests: Additive Manufacturing, Linear and Nonlinear Rheology, Nanomaterials Synthesis, Interfacial Assembly, Complex Fluids such as Emulsions, Polymer Processing, Electrical Applications such as Electromagnetic Shielding and Sensors, Sustainable Materials, Smart Aerogels
Vassili Karanassios
Research interests: micro- and nano-analytical chemistry and instrumentation
Karim S. Karim
Research interests: silicon thin-film applied research; microelectronic circuits; device and process development for large area electronics
Na Young Kim
Research interests: large-scale solid-state quantum computer; quantum simulator for quantum information processing and communications
Holger Kleinke
Research interests: inorganic nanomaterials; solid state chemistry; thermoelectric energy
Anna Klinkova
Research interests: nanocrystal synthesis, nanocatalysis, CO2 electroreduction, organic electrochemistry, nanomaterials for alternative energy, self-assembly, plasmonics
Mohammad Kohandel
Research interests: integrative cancer biology, combination of cancer treatments, nano-sclae drug delivery, cancer stem cells, nano-sensors
Jan Kycia
Research interests: nanoscale devices; single electron transistors
Anita Layton
Research interests: integrative kidney physiology, biofluid dynamics, diabetes, hypertension
Zoya Leonenko
Research interests: biophysics of lipids and lipid protein interactions; application of lipid films in biomedical nanotechnology
Tong Leung
Research interests: chemical physics; surface chemistry; nano-materials; nano-devices; nano-biotechnology
Peter Levine
Research interests: bioelectronic systems laboratory; CMOS biochips for biomolecular and cellular assays; biodiagnostic devices for single molecule detection
Dongqing Li
Research interests: micro/nano fluidics; lab-on-a-chip; EMK transport
Xianguo Li
Research interests: fuel cells, thermodynamics, energy, digital design and fabrication technologies
Yuning Li
Research interests: molecular engineering of polymer/transparent semiconductors for organic electronics (OTFT, OPV, DSC, OLED) and low temp-process conductive inks on plastic substrates
Yangju Lin
Research interests: Polymer Mechanochemistry, Design of Mechanically Durable Polymers, Sustainable Polymers, Polymer Nanoparticles, Polymers for Battery Materials, Polymer Design for Wearable Devices
Juewen Liu
Research interests: functional DNA, biosensors, nanozymes, and biointerface chemistry
Adrian Lupascu
Research interests: quantum computation; superconducting circuits; microwave photons
Veronika Magdanz
Research interests: Sperm-based biohybrid microrobots, sperm-nanoparticle interactions for the study of cell membrane properties, flexible medical microrobots for removal of obstructions, small scale robots for cell delivery, 3D (bio)printing of organ models
Vivek Maheshwari
Research interests: nanoparticle based thin film sensors; nanocomposite films; materials and tools for bio-nano devices, systems
Hamed Majedi
Research interests: superconducting optoelectronics; microwave-photonics/quantum devices; electromagnetic band gap structures
Raafat Mansour
Research interests: RF MEMS/NEMS; atomically precise manufacturing; scanning probe microscopy; RF-CMOS technology; multiplexers; superconductive microwave devices
Mark Matsen
Research interests: block co-polymers; molecular self-assembly in polymeric systems; structure and behaviour of complex polymer brushes; SCFT modelling and simulation
Tiz Mekonnen
Research interests: Functional polymers, Sustainable polymers and nanomaterials, Polymer modification, Multiphase and multifunctional polymers, Polymer processing, Nanocomposites
Elizabeth Meiering
Research interests: protein folding, dynamics, function, engineering and design
Guoxing Miao
Research interests: spintronics for information processing; nanodevices based on new spin systems such as topological insulators; synthetic diamonds
Zoran Miskovic
Research interests: optical properties of carbon nano-structures
Sushanta Mitra
Research Interests: Microfluidics/Nanofluidics; Bio-MEMS; Integrated Water Management
Graham Murphy
Research interests: synthetic organic chemistry; alternative approaches to metallocarbene and metallonitrene intermediates; organic electrolytes for lithium air batteries
Kevin Musselman
Research interests: Functional nanomaterials; spatial atomic layer deposition; metal oxides; 2D nanomaterials; perovskite photovoltaics; high-frequency diodes; optoelectronic devices; memristive devices; chemical sensors; cancer theranostics
Jatin Nathwani
Research interests: engineering design and operation, optimization of safety and economics, planning for energy infrastructure, risk assessment, engineering code of practice, science and energy policy, data analytics research
Linda Nazar
Research interests: nano-materials for the design of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries
Flora Ng
Research interests: nanocatalysts; bitumen upgrading; biodiesel production; catalytic distillation
Patricia Nieva
Research interests: micro and nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS); microbotics; biosensors; biomanipulators
Zhao Pan
Research interests: fluid physics; micro/bio-fluids; biomechanics; granular matter; advanced fluid flow diagnostics; perception systems for ice-breakers
Janusz Pawliszyn
Research interests: solid phase microextraction; design of advanced integrated instrumentation for sample preparation, separation and detection
Michael Pope
Research interests: directed assembly of graphene-based nanocomposites; supercapacitors; next generation batteries; electrochemical sensors, electrocatalysts; thin films and membranes
Mahla Poudineh
Research interests: bio-sensing approaches for therapeutics and diagnostics purposes and translating biomedical devices to the clinic.
Elisabeth Prince
Research interests: Soft matter, Biomimetic hydrogels, Filamentous hydrogels, Hydrogel mechanics, Injectable hydrogels, Tissue engineering, Biomedical engineering, Polymer synthesis, Polymer self-assembly, Sustainable plastics
Chemical recycling of plastics
Pavle Radovanovic
Research interests: synthesis of new multifunctional nanostructures
Carolyn Ren
Research interests: micro/nano-fluidics; lab-on-a-chip; protein separation; live-colony detection
Luis Ricardez-Sandoval
Research interests: multiscale modeling of process systems; density function theory studies of industrial catalyst systems; new nanomaterials
Yverick Rangom
Research interests: Energy Storage, Lithium-ion Batteries, Material Bonding, Composite Materials, Nano Interfaces
David R. Rose
Research interests: bioinformatics, systematics, evolution, molecular genetics, microbiology
Pierre-Nicholas Roy
Research interests: dynamics of complex molecular systems; Path Integral simulations of quantum fluids; development of semi-classical quantum dynamics approaches
Manoj Sachdev
Research interests: Digital circuit design for low power; Low voltage applications; High performance mixed-signal circuit design; Robust design practices for VLSI; Cybersecurity
Simarjeet Saini
Research interests: nanophotonic devices; optoelectronics components for datacom and telecom
Armaghan Salehian
Research interests: inflatable space structures, dynamics, vibrations, continuum modelling, energy harvesting using smart materials
Derek Schipper
Research interests: synthesis of organic materials for applications in organic solar cells, field effect transistors, imaging, displays
Sebastian Schulz
Research interests: Epsilon-Near-Zero materials; metasurfaces; photonic crystal-based and disordered optical devices
Germán Sciaini
Research interests: Femtosecond electron diffraction; ultrafast electron microscopy; femtosecond non-linear optical techniques
Anindya Sen
Research interests: Pricing and firm strategy in imperfectly competitive markets such as retail gasoline; Deregulation of retail alcohol and marijuana; Smoking and cigarette taxes; Poverty and the minimum wage; Government policy in electricity markets; Border effects and trade flows
Hamed Shahsavan
Research interests: polymers science and engineering, liquid crystalline materials, programmable and smart materials, small-scale and soft robotics, 3D and 4D micro-additive manufacturing, micro/nanotechnology, surfaces and interfaces
Leonardo Simon
Research interests: hybrid nanocomposites, membranes, catalysts
Siva Sivoththaman
Research interests: silicon-based crystalline and thin-film photovoltaic devices; design and fabrication technology
Roderick Slavcev
Research interests: novel bacteriophage nanomedicines for the development of novel vaccines; pharmaceuticals and gene delivery systems
Rodney Smith
Research interests: inorganic materials, electrocatalysis, reaction dynamics, reaction kinetics, energy storage
Michael Tam
Research interests: sustainable nanomaterials, nano-structured systems for drug/pesticide delivery; polymer-surfactant interactions; magnetic nanoparticles for novel separation processes; functional cellulose nanomaterials for agriculture, biomedical, environmental and personal and homecare applications
Shirley Tang
Research interests: nanomaterials and devices for biology and medicine; bio-molecule assisted nanomaterial self-assembly
Scott Taylor
Research interests: new bionanomaterials as "green" alternatives to petroleum based latex; organic and bioorganic synthesis; novel antibiotics and nanopores
Russell Thompson
Research interests: self-consistent field theory and density functional theory
Adam Wei Tsen
Research interests: low-dimensional quantum materials and devices
Ting Tsui
Research interests: PECVD; porous ultra-low-dielectric constant materials; nano-mechanics; thin film mechanical properties; nanoindentation
Xiaosong Wang
Research interests: Synthesis and self-assembly of organometallic compounds and polymers for functional nanomaterials, and exploration of hydrophobic effects for aqueous supramolecular chemistry
Zbig Wasilewski
Research interests: molecular beam epitaxy; quantum-dot and quantum-well photonic devices
E.J. (Beth) Weckman
Research interests: fire performance of materials, fire safety and flame retardancy, fire sensors, monitoring and connected systems, small-scale through real-scale fire testing and behaviour, experimental fire research, fire performance of assemblies, fire suppression, fire fighter training and applications, chemical emissions from fires, liquid pool fires, wildland and forest fires
Lan Wei
Research interests: low dimensional materials based integrated systems for energy storage, conversion and delivery
John Z. Wen
Research interests:Nano energetic materials; chemical propulsion; heating and power sources for MEMS; CO2 reduction; nanomaterials for energy systems; flame synthesis of nanostructures; smart energy management.
Shawn Wettig
Research interests: biophysical chemistry and nanotechnology; self-assembly for drug delivery applications and gene therapy
William Wong
Research interests: flexible electronics; solid-state lighting; nanofabrication for energy conversion and storage; laser processing of materials
XiaoYu Wu
Research interests: energy storage, membrane technology, redox catalyst, reaction kinetics
Yimin Wu
Research interests: energy materials; electronic materials; photonic materials; responsive materials; in situ multimodal characterizations; interfacial science and engineering
Mustafa Yavuz
Research interests: superconductivity; thin films and single crystals; nano sensors; NEMS; MEMS; quantum information storage
John Yeow
Research interests: Imaging Devices, Micro/Nanodevices, MEMS; Nanosensors
Evelyn Yim
Research interests: biomaterials-regulation of stem cells, nanotopography-cell interactions, tissue engineering applications
Shunde Yin
Research Interests: Coupled thermal, hydraulic, mechanical and chemical phenomena
Youngki Yoon
Research interests: modelling and computer simulations for emerging devices; quantum transport in low dimensional materials such as graphene
Steven B. Young
Research interests: corporate social responsibility; life-cycle assessment; responsible sourcing; sustainability standards and management systems; auditing, assurance and certification; sustainable materials, conflict minerals and critical raw materials
Aiping Yu
Research interests: nanomaterial synthesis and functionalization (nanotubes/nanowires/ nanoparticles) for nanocomposites; solar cells and sensors
Alfred Yu
Research interests: nanodroplets and nanoparticles as agents for ultrasound imaging contrast enhancement and drug carriers for therapeutic ultrasound
Jung-Ho Yu
Research interests: Chemical Spectroscopy, Molecular Imaging, Nanotechnology, Bioanalytical Chemistry
Boxin Zhao
Research interests: fundamental and practical aspects of adhesion, wetting, and friction of soft bio-nanomaterials, e.g. polymers, liquid crystals elastomers, and biological tissues, under micro- and nanometer confinements. Two major areas of interests are the design and fabrication of "smart" biomimetic devices with tailored physical, chemical, and interfacial properties and the development of novel conductive adhesives as a lead-free and multifunctional joining alternative for electronic packaging.
Norman Zhou
Research interests:nanomaterials, nanofabrication and nanodevices
Qinqin Zhu
Research interests: Process Data Analytics; Machine Learning; Statistical Process Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis; Optimization and Control of Process and Energy Systems; Process Systems Engineering