Research interests: nanostructured metallic biomaterials; phase transformations and surface modifications
Professor Shahrzad Esmaeili obtained her PhD degree in Materials Engineering from the University of British Columbia in 2002. She then worked for two years at Alcan International as a Researcher and a holder of a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) industrial fellowship. She joined the University of Waterloo in 2004 and is now a Professor at the Mechanical and Mechtronics Engineering departments. She is a recipient of an Early Researcher Award from Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation.
She has established expertise in microstructural transformations involving nano-precipitates in aluminum and magnesium alloys. Her research activities encompass experimental and modeling investigations in fundamentals of transformations and atomic-to-macro scale processing-structure-property relationships.
- PhD, University of British Columbia
- MS, Shiraz University
- BS, Shiraz University