Research interests: superconductivity; thin films and single crystals; nano sensors; NEMS; MEMS; quantum information storage
Professor Mustafa Yavuz envisions a production tool that can harness new types of magnetic templates and exploit them to make radically new devices and materials. These templates are an enabling tool for self-assembly manufacture/production of magnetic particles into new nano-structured macro-materials, with applications to sensors, nano-electronics, and quantum computers.
Yavuz and his team in the Nano-Micro Systems Laboratory have been developing NEMS device packaging and integrating them into MEMS and conventional CMOS systems.
To date, Yavuz has authored and co-authored over 200 refereed journal and conference publications, seven patents and patent disclosures, 40 invited talks and key note speeches. In addition, he has contributed two book chapters for the Handbook of Nanoceramics and for the Handbook of Microjoining and Nanojoining and one chapter edited for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. Yavuz received the British Council Partnerships for Excellence Postdoctoral Bursary International Award in 1997 for his work on high temperature superconductors. In the same year, he was appointed as Assistant Professor at the Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. From 1998 to 1999, Yavuz held the role of Principal Project Engineer at Accelerator Technology Corp., Bryan, Texas and the role of Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES), Research Assistant and Associate Professor at the Texas A&M University between 1999 and 2004. He joined the University of Waterloo as a faculty member in 2004.
He is cited as one of the most prominent nano-researchers in Canada by the Ontario Provincial Government, and was invited in 2007 and 2009 by the Canadian Ambassador for Japan as one of the Canadian Delegation to promote Canadian nanotechnology research in Tokyo, Japan.
PhD, Applied Physics, University of Wollongong, Australia
PhD, Materials Engineering, University of Wollongong, Australia
MS, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
BS, Middle East Technical University, Turkey