Nanotechnology students win at Concept pitch contest

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Teams with members from the nanotechnology engineering undergraduate program claimed one of the four $5,000 prizes on the line today at the latest on-campus pitch competition for students with business ideas.

Scope members (left to right) Zhenle Cao, Ishan Mishra, Alisha Bhanji, Holden Beggs and Fernando Pena pose with their ceremonial cheque.Scope was among nine finalists out to impress a panel of judges in three minutes as the Concept $5K Finals – formerly the Velocity Fund Finals – were staged at the Student Life Centre.

Scope members (left to right) Zhenle Cao, Ishan Mishra, Alisha Bhanji, Holden Beggs and Fernando Pena pose with their ceremonial cheque.

Scope (Fernando Pena, Zhenle Cao, Ishan Mishra, Holden Beggs and Alisha Bhanji, all fourth-year nanotechnology engineering students) is building lenses with electronically tunable optical power for use in cellphone cameras.

The pitch contest was established in 2011 and is held on campus each term.

Congratulations students!