Research interests: energy storage, membrane technology, redox catalyst, reaction kinetics
Professor XiaoYu Wu’s research group, Greener Production @ Waterloo, combines expertise in thermal science, material engineering and techno-economics to provide sustainable solutions for energy conversion and chemical production (e.g., hydrogen production, carbon capture and utilization, biomass and hydrocarbon valorization).
Prior to joining the University of Waterloo, XiaoYu was a postdoctoral associate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he also obtained his Ph.D. degree. He has published papers in journals such as Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, AIChE Journal and ChemSusChem. He serves as the Guest Associate Editor in Frontiers in Energy Research for a theme collection of “Sustainable Hydrogen for Energy, Fuel and Commodity Applications.”
2017, Doctorate, Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2012, Master of Science, Thermal & Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
2009, Bachelor of Science (BS), Energy & Environment System Engineering, Chu Ko-Chen Honors College & Zhejiang University