Where to find us
The Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences is housed in the Expansion building (EXP), B.C. Matthews Hall (BMH) and the Lyle S. Hallman Institute for Health Promotion (LHI) on the University's main campus. The administrative offices are located on the 3rd floor of B.C. Matthews Hall. For locations of individual staff or faculty members, see Our people.
The Centre for Community, Clinical and Applied Research Excellence (CCCARE) is located in the Toby Jenkins Applied Health Research Building (TJB).

Directions to campus
Waterloo's main campus is located at 200 University Avenue West in Waterloo, ON. For driving directions to main campus or public transit options, see University location and directions.
Interactive campus map
Visitor parking
The following parking lots are closest to the Department and are available for use by visitors to campus:
- M-Lot - $6.00 pay and display ticket (adjacent to B.C. Matthews Hall/Lyle Hallman Institute)
- N-Lot - $5.00 pay and display ticket
- R-Lot - $5.00 coin gate - ONLY AVAILABLE from 3:45 p.m. onwards