2017 3M National Teaching Fellowship

Top: Greg Evans, Alison Flynn, James Fraser, Timothy O’Connell, Nicola Simmons.
Lower: Alan Steele, Gordon Stubley, Glen Van Brummelen, Jay Wilson, Shelly Wismath.
3M Canada and the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education are delighted to introduce this year’s 3M National Teaching Fellows:
Greg Evans, Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry University of Toronto;
Alison Flynn, Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences,
University of Ottawa;
James Fraser, Physics, Queen’s University;
Timothy S. O’Connell, Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, Brock University;
Nicola Simmons, Education, Brock University; Alan Steele, Department of Electronics, Carleton University;
Gordon Stubley, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo;
Glen Van Brummelen, Mathematics, Quest University; Jay Wilson, Department of Curriculum Studies, College of Education, University of
Shelly Wismath, Liberal Education Program, University of Lethbridge.
Established in 1986, the 3M National Teaching Fellowship is sponsored jointly by 3M Canada and the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE). The Fellowship is a remarkable example of private sector and not-for-profit educational cooperation and has earned an enviable national and international reputation. It is the only pan-Canadian, cross-disciplinary recognition of educational leadership and excellence in university teaching.
The Fellowship recognises university teachers who have demonstrated:
leadership in enhancing post-secondary teaching excellence locally, nationally, and often internationally; and superlative undergraduate teaching, sustained over several years.
The 3M National Teaching Fellowship is unique. Fellows receive no tangible rewards, no money or research grants. Instead, they are given a lifetime membership in STLHE and a four-day study retreat together in November. They also join a vibrant and energetic Fellowship of over 300 dedicated and inspiring leaders and teachers who have helped shape university
education in Canada for almost three decades.
STLHE and 3M Canada will officially welcome these ten extraordinary university teachers into the Fellowship at its annual conference, co-hosted this year in Halifax, Nova Scotia by six postsecondary
Shannon Murray, 3M National Teaching Fellows Award Coordinator
Robert Lapp, President – STLHE