With over 80 publications in over 20 Journals to over 2,500 citations and more than 30 years of experience, Shahrzad has certainly had a distinguished career.
Professor Esmaeili obtained her PhD degree in Materials Engineering in 2002. She then worked for two years at Alcan International as a Researcher and a holder of a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) industrial fellowship. She joined the University of Waterloo, Mechanical and Mechatronics department in 2004 and was the recipient of an Early Researcher Award from the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation. She has established expertise in microstructural transformations involving nano-precipitates in aluminum and magnesium alloys, and her research activities encompassed experimental and modeling investigations in fundamentals of transformations and atomic-to-macro scale processing-structure-property relationships.
Some of her career highlights include the supervision or co-supervision of over sixty graduate and undergraduate students and postdoctoral fellows, the invention of, a Thermomechanical process for treating alloys and more recently she published her first collection of poems in English and Persian titled, Tales of Existence, A Collection of Poems. Shahrzad credited the University of Waterloo, where she began teaching in 2004, for providing inspiration for some of her poems, however, we, in MME, credit her for inspiring all of us and her many students over the years.
We all hope that you will stay in touch, and wish you the very best in your retirement.