SAE Baja team attended the competition at El Paso, Texas during April 24

Briefly, it was a fantastic and successful event. we are ranked 32 out of 96 teams (5 Canadian: ETS, McGill, Queen’s, Sherbrooke, Laval, Waterloo). Considering we have very little time to test the car (due to weather and tight schedule), it was an excellent achievement. Also the team wanted to share the exciting experience with all members rather than to have a better ranking, so they gave everybody a chance to drive. In the endurance event (driving on extreme terrain course for 4 hours), they changed the driver at every 3 laps. Each change loses more than a half lab, so other teams change the drivers only when it should be refueled (usually around 10 labs).

(Team Fixing Technical Problems) (Rolled Over - Waterloo)
Regardless, our car survived the endurance race as 27th. Since we had some problem in the gear box (bought used one from Kijiji and modified), we failed in maneuverability event, but did good in other events (14th in hill climbing , 35th in suspension, ? in acceleration).
Hill Climbing
I believe that it was truly an outstanding design project and hands-on experience to all team members. They not only design and build, but verify and compare their design through the competition. Also they learn team work, project management and financing (fund raising).