Second and third-year courses go more deeply into Mechanical Engineering, and include topics such as the strength of materials, electromechanical devices, dynamics, kinematics of machines, machine design, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, control theory and manufacturing.
Course and Title
2A (F/W)
ME 201 Advanced Calculus
ME 202 Statistics for Engineers
ME 219 Mechanics of Deformable Solids 1
ME 230 Control of Properties of Materials
ME 269 Electromechanical Devices & Power Processing
C.S.E. #2
2B (F/S)
ME 203 Ordinary Differential Equations
ME 212 Dynamics
ME 220 Mechanics of Deformable Solids 2
ME 250 Thermodynamics 1
ME 262 Intro to Microprocessors & Digital Logic
3A (S/W)
ME 303 Advanced Engineering Mathematics
ME 321 Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines
ME 340 Manufacturing Processes
ME 351 Fluid Mechanics 1
ME 354 Thermodynamics 2
3B (F/W)
ME 322 Mechanical Design 1
ME 353 Heat Transfer 1
ME 360 Intro to Control Systems
ME 362 Fluid Mechanics 2
ME 380 Mechanical Engineering Design Workshop
MSCI 261