Jazz Ensemble - Winter 2025

Jazz Ensemble

The Jazz Ensemble meets on Monday nights from 7:00 to 10:00 pm in Room 1111 (Great Hall at Conrad Grebel), and is available in fall, winter, and spring terms.  The director tries to accommodate both traditional and non-traditional jazz instruments in the ensemble. Acceptance into the Jazz Ensemble is by audition and at the discretion of the director, Michael Wood.  

1. Participant form

To participate in the Jazz Ensemble you must fill out the Participant Form even if you have participated before. There is no LEARN for Ensembles, so this is a crucial step.  For further questions please email Angelica Allen, Ensemble Coordinator. 

2. Audition

If you have not participated in the Jazz Ensemble in previous terms, you will need to audition.  The auditions will take place on Thursday, January 9,  from 5:00pm to 9:00pm.  You will get an audition link when you fill out the participant form. 

In order to prepare, practice about five minutes of music from any musical style i.e. jazz or classical in nature.  This can take the format of music from your high school concert band, jazz combo or big band ensemble. The music does not need to be a solo but rather a contrasting of something brighter in tempo and something laid back.   At the audition the instructor will try to get a sense of your intonation and dexterity on the instrument, as well as asking about your jazz background.

Returning players, please email Michael Wood asap to let him know you would like to return. Don't forget to fill out the participant form as well. Make sure to attend the first rehearsal.

3. Quest

Register on Quest if you are taking the Ensemble for credit.  Please note that MUSIC 416 and 417 have been added to the Ensemble Course list.  Also note it is your responsibility to drop the course on Quest if you do not pass the audition or choose not to participate. An Ensemble credit is 0.25 units AND you can add this on a normal course load or ask your advisor for permission to override your course limit.     There is a $30 fee for students who are not taking the Ensemble for credit, and non-students will be charged a $60 fee.

View Credit sequence →

4. Course requirements

  • In person rehearsal on Monday nights, from 7 to 9:30pm
    most weeks. January 13 at 7:00pm will be the first session. 
  • Read the Information Sheet 
  • Fall term: Participation in an end of term concert on December 1, 2024 at 2pm
  • Winter term:  March 30 at 2pm in the Grebel Great Hall, room 1111.

This form is for current members of the Fall 2024 Jazz Ensemble:
Jazz Ensemble Evaluation Form

Remote video URL