Foster an Inclusive Community

WatSEE-aligned Actions

  • Employ short ice breaker activities
  • Co-create student engagement expectations in and out of class
  • Discuss respective roles, scope of topics, intended learning path, and planned assessments
  • Seek volunteers (no cold calling)
  • Highlight student supports (e.g., AAS, SSO, Campus Wellness, WCC, LIB, CCD, Academic Advising)
  • Locate yourself and the limits of your knowledge
  • Use inclusive language to avoid excluding certain groups of people or perpetuating stereotypes (e.g., based on gender, race, religion, ability)
  • Provide materials from diverse perspectives
  • Allow flexible participation
  • Respect students’ privacy and confidentiality regarding disabilities and health information
  • Embed community-building activities into your course
  • Recognize that an academic accommodation is a legal responsibility, not a favour; it removes barriers that exclude students, and it does not reduce rigour or academic integrity
  • Leave someone’s assistive devices in place (e.g., wheelchair, walker, cane, listening device), unless they make a request or grant permission
  • When grading student engagement, consider that missing class may be a function of a disability and remaining quiet during class discussions may be a function of a disability or other factors (e.g., cultural norms)
  • Prepare to address an identity threat, discrimination, or violence impacting your students (acknowledge incident and harm, connect students to support services, reiterate your support)