Instructions for Public Health transfer students

Assessment of transfer credits

Transferring from another institution

If you've completed any university- or college-level courses (or anticipate completing any before starting at UWaterloo), it's possible you may receive transfer credits for those courses.

  • You'll automatically be enrolled by our staff in first-year courses for the fall term. Once your transfer credits have been received, we will work with you to adjust your schedule appropriately.
  • Depending on your individualized course sequence you may participate in course selection for your first Fall term. Please review your course sequence.
  • You'll request all your courses in Quest yourself in future terms. You can view information on registering for courses for your winter term.

If you were expecting transfer credits and didn't receive a Transfer Credit Letter officially granting them, then assessment of your transfer credits may have been delayed. This is often because we require further information (e.g., a complete course outline or a final official transcript) before making a final assessment.

For information about the status of your transfer credits, contact Doris Makowich, SPHS Undergraduate Programs Manager.

Transferring from another program at Waterloo

Prior to your first term, you will be sent an individual course sequence via email. It's important that you follow this sequence to complete your degree requirements. You'll be required to request both your required and elective courses using Quest.

Course selection information

Before July 17, 2024

Prior to your first term, you will be sent an individual sequence via email. You are required to follow this sequence to complete your degree requirements.

  1. Read your Transfer Credit Letter
  2. Contact an Academic Advisor to obtain your undergraduate degree requirement checklist – a checklist of all the courses you need to take in order to complete your degree. Check your Transfer Credit Letter against that checklist, and check off your transfer credit courses. When reviewing your degree requirement checklist, refer to the University of Waterloo course equivalent that was assigned to your original course (as indicated in your Transfer Credit Letter). By reviewing the degree requirement checklist, you'll be able to see which requirements you have already met, and which courses you still need to take. Next, review the Undergraduate Calendar course descriptions to identify other courses that interest you.

On, or after July 17, 2024

Early September

  1. Check the Important Dates webpage for winter term course registration dates.
  2. During the course selection period, log into Quest and request your winter-term courses. View information on how to request your courses.

You'll be able to view your winter-term schedule in November. 

Note for students with advanced standing

Students with advanced standing often take courses from mixed years to fulfil degree requirements. Course conflicts may make course selection for a given specialization (e.g., an option or minor) difficult. If you are interested in pursuing a particular area or areas of specialization, consult with a member of your Academic Support Team about how to select the necessary requirements for that major, option, and/or minor.

Co-op information for transfer students

If you’ve been admitted to Public Health Co-op and have been granted transfer credits, please contact the Academic Advisors to determine your academic and work term sequencing.