Master of Health Evaluation - Course offerings and program sequence


The Master of Health Evaluation (MHE) program is mainly a course-based curriculum. In order to graduate, students are required to complete the following:

  • Seven core courses 
  • Two electives
  • One 12-16 week (420 hours) practicum course (HLTH 640)

There is no research/thesis option.

The MHE degree will be completed within 2 years for full-time students (3 terms per year). Part-time students must complete their degree within 4 years of initial program entry. All graduate students must maintain continuous registration for each term of the program.

While in the program, students should expect to spend 12-15 hr/week on each course. For a full-time student that means they will spend up to 45 hours/week on coursework. See part-time course sequence and full-time course sequence below. Additional program information is available on the University's Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs webpages.

Part-time course sequence

Year one

Year two

Year three

Year four

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Full-time course sequence