Award Value: $500 per student
Term Awarded: ongoing availability
The Rita Lee-Chui International Education Fund exists to support students’ international education experiences through allocation of a travel bursary. Students participating in international travel related to Renison courses or programs are eligible.
Opportunities and eligibility requirements include:
- Students registered in Renison programs, courses, or residence participating in:
- A study abroad program (based on a letter of permission)
- An academic exchange program (Waterloo partner universities)
- An international co-op work term
- A Renison mobility program (non-credit)
- A Renison field course (involving international experience)
- An international internship and/or practicum placement
- An international volunteer work term
- An international service learning program
- A student international experience that supports a learning objective of their Renison degree program endorsed or approved by a University of Waterloo or Renison department or program. Please upload supporting letter from Renison faculty member.
- All other University of Waterloo students participating in an international experience connected to Renison such as:
- A study abroad program (involving credit through a Renison course or program based on a letter of permission)
- A Renison field course (involving international experience)
- A Renison mobility program (non-credit) related to their Renison program or a Renison course
- A student international experience that supports a learning objective of their Renison degree program endorsed or approved by a University of Waterloo or Renison department or program. Please upload supporting letter from Renison faculty member.
Students may receive a $500 grant to subsidize their transportation costs.
Students are eligible to receive the grant no more than two times.