Double your impact this month by making a donation to the Student Urgent Needs Fund.
The Student Urgent Needs (SUN) Bursary gives temporary financial support in times of urgent financial need to Renison-registered students or students living full-time in Renison residences. $1,000 is the average value of Renison’s SUN Bursary, which has paid for everything from emergency dental surgery to winter boots and coats.
This month, a generous Renison Board member has stepped forward as fund champion to match each donation to the SUN Bursary up to a maximum of $2,000.
That means, every time you donate to the SUN Bursary this October, you'll be turning $1 into $2!
Are you interested in becoming a fund champion?
Connect with Cort Egan, or visit Renison Fund Champions for more information.