Renison University College, with unanimous support from its Board of Governors, has released its Strategic Plan for 2024 to 2027.
Lead by the Turner Consulting Group, and approached through a lens of equity, diversity, and inclusion, Renison’s process in developing this new plan was highly consultative in nature. The process began in October 2023 with the formation of a Steering Committee with representation from each sector of the Renison community.
The development of the Plan was formed through a series of focus groups designed to reach all constituency groups. Students faculty, staff and the Board of Governors each had dedicated focus groups; alumni were invited to attend in person and were also engaged through a variety of online opportunities. As early drafts of the plan were created, all constituency groups were invited to engage in the work and add comments, feedback and recommendations. Several community cafes were also hosted, allowing the Renison community to engage in person, or through online forms.
Dr. Wendy L. Fletcher, President of Renison University College, praised the new strategic plan: “the voices of our community are captured in this Plan. It lays out a clear direction for the future of Renison. As each unit and team builds its work plans around these articulated goals, and determines how we will measure our success, we will begin to see the Plan take shape, flourish, and form our collective future.”
Board Chair Karen Spencer went on to say, “I am particularly interested n Renison’s commitment to ensuring this Plan is a living document and that Renison will exercise transparency and candour in reporting its achievement of these goals, and the ways in which they will measure success. As an alumna of Renison, a Board member and Board Chair, I take great pride in the many hands that have brought this work to fruition.”
Renison’s new Strategic Plan can be found in its entirety online: 2024-2027 Strategic Plan | Renison University College (uwaterloo.ca), and is available as a downloadable pdf.
Updates to the Strategic Plan will begin in January, 2025.