Renison Strategic Plan Redevelopment

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

As Renison approaches the end of its current strategic plan, we are inviting all members of the Renison community to provide their perspectives to help inform the new strategic plan.

The strategic plan is the long-term vision for Renison, establishing clear priorities that will guide how we learn, work, and live together over the next three years. The goal is to co-create a three-year roadmap, driven by student-centered needs and goals that are equity-informed.

The most important contributor to the strategic planning process is the voice of members of the Renison community. Over the next few months, Renison will be asking students, staff, faculty, and stakeholders to reflect on the current strategic priorities and goals, and contribute to the development of the new strategic plan.

We encourage you to also take advantage of the opportunities to contribute to the conversation. Learn more by visiting the Strategic Planning Development webpage.  

You can also register for a focus group and complete the online survey.

We look forward to receiving your input. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at