There are a variety of ways you can donate to support the work of Renison and its students.
For information specific to your own financial and philanthropic needs, please contact Cort Egan.
One-time donation
A one-time donation can be made online, by mail or by fax.
Pledged donation
A pledged donation can be made for a larger total amount split up over a series of months.
Memorial gifts or tributes
A lasting way to remember or honour someone special, is by making an investment in Renison’s future with a one-time donation or by creating a memorial fund to support a scholarship, bursary or priority project.
Once your gift is received, we will let the family know you have made a donation or created a fund in their loved one's name.
A gift-in-kind is defined by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a gift of tangible property. This type of property can include works of art, books, real estate, equipment, collections — virtually any physical object in your possession.
Gifts-in-Kind may be used by the College, sold to generate income or held to enhance the Renison University College art collection. Before a gift-in-kind can be accepted, however, it must be determined if the acceptance of such property is consistent with College priorities and is not a financial liability to the College.
Generally, gifts valued over $1,000.00 must be appraised by an independent appraiser.
Independent evaluations for income tax purposes are the responsibility of the donor.
Where necessary, the Office of External Relations will seek assistance from a tax or valuation specialist in fixing value for receipt purposes at the expense of the donor.
If the gift is accepted by Renison University College, the donor transfers ownership to the College, in writing. A statement of fair market value of the gift (at the time of donation) is established by a qualified appraiser, and the donor receives a donation receipt for income tax purposes.
Depending on your overall financial situation, gifts-in-kind can provide a significant tax benefit.
Gifts of Securities
Gifts of securities can be made to Renison University College through the University of Waterloo. Contact Cort Egan if you are interested in making a gift through this method.
Planned Gifts
Planned giving can mean leaving a legacy for the future of Renison University College.
It provides individuals with a special opportunity to demonstrate leadership - with an investment to support outstanding students, teaching, and research.
A planned gift helps you:
- achieve your philanthropic goal of providing support for Renison
- meet your personal and financial objectives
- lower income and estate taxes
Planned gifts can include:
- Bequests and estate residuals
- Life insurance
- Securities
- Charitable gift annuities
- Charitable remainder trusts
- Gifts-in-kind
The following information is provided as general information and should not be taken as formal legal or tax advice. Donors should consult with their own legal and financial advisors before taking any action.
Bequests and estate residuals
When making or revising your will, consider how a bequest can provide a lasting legacy of your support for the university.
By designating the university as a beneficiary of RRSPs and RRIFs, the asset is transferred to Waterloo, and the estate receives a tax credit to offset the tax on income. Since the asset passes outside the estate, no probate fees are payable, which results in further savings to the estate.
Life insurance
Life insurance is an economical way to give a larger and more lasting gift to Waterloo than might otherwise be possible without drawing on your assets now or depleting your estate. If structured correctly, your gift will not be included in the value of your estate and therefore, you will avoid probate fees.
There is a real advantage to making a bequest of shares to the university. Your estate receives a charitable tax receipt for the fair market value of the shares (at the time they are received) and your estate is not required to declare any resulting capital gains on income.
Charitable gift annuities
A gift annuity combines your gift to the university with an annuity. The university purchases the annuity on your behalf through a licensed life insurance company. Your guaranteed annuity payments continue throughout your lifetime, unaffected by changes in the economy or interest rates. The annuity can be written to cover both you and your spouse for life, or for a specific number of years.
Charitable remainder trusts
A charitable remainder trust is a deferred giving arrangement under which you may transfer property (cash, securities, or real estate) to a trustee.
Gifts-in-kind are tangible property including works of art, books, real estate, equipment, collections — virtually any physical object in your possession. Donation receipts are issued for the fair market value and may significantly reduce your taxes.