Student Experience

Gurkomal, a second-year Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) student, had the opportunity to attend the Women in Accounting and Finance 10th Anniversary event and connect with speakers who offered her motivating advice as successful women leaders. This networking event was the most inspiring one she’s attended yet.

Hi, my name is Gurkomal, and I am a second-year student studying Accounting and Financial Management at the School of Accounting and Finance.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

How to make networking fun

Networking can be a scary experience, and you might be putting a lot of pressure on yourself because you think you need it to find a job or to advance your career. The truth is you can approach networking in a fun and lighthearted way to get the most out of it. Here are my three tips that I found made networking more enjoyable:

Jaiden outside

As soon as I accepted my offer for the Sustainability and Financial Management program at the University of Waterloo, I realized that I had one more big choice to make. 

Since I live in the Kitchener-Waterloo region, it made sense to stay at home (after all, I had my whole room set up just the way I like it, and the pandemic meant that my couch and I were very good friends). 

Tianna (in the middle) with her friends

September is a month of change and new beginnings where students across the world commence a new chapter of their life together at their respective universities. As Warriors, we are lucky enough to call the University of Waterloo our home. Specifically, as an Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) student, I get to call the School of Accounting and Finance my home.