Student Experience

AFM student uses goal setting to make the most of UWaterloo career

My name is Ritvik and I’m a 4A Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) student (although it feels like no time has passed since my first year). When I started my university career, I set out with one goal for myself: to get to know everyone in my program within my year.

picture of Yammunna

Life as a University of Waterloo student can have its fair share of ups and downs, but as a former upper-year mentor, I am here to tell you—take a deep breath and hang on.

The School of Accounting and Finance caught up with Laura, a current Equestrian Club member and Master of Accounting (MAcc) student to learn more about the Equestrian Club and its impact.

Did you know that the University of Waterloo has an Equestrian Club?

My name is Linda, and I am a third-year Math/CPA student. Today, I’m here to talk about the importance of work-life balance while at university. It is sooo much more fun when you spend time with friends outside of schoolwork, and you can have memorable experiences with friends on campus or elsewhere when travelling together. 

The Non-Profit Organization Consulting (NPOC) group consists of student volunteers passionate about providing their financial expertise to non-profit organizations (NPOs) to help grow their initiatives. The School of Accounting and Finance (SAF) interviewed Robert G. Ducharme, lecturer and initiative lead, to learn more about the mission, as well as the successes, and challenges faced by NPOC.