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Bachelor of Sustainability and Financial Management: Exploring career pathways
Earning a Bachelor of Sustainability and Financial Management (BSFM) degree not only arms you with essential knowledge and skills but also unlocks unique career opportunities.
Embracing a future in sustainable finance: reflections on my SFM journey
Hi! I’m Jaiden, an upper-year student in the Sustainability and Financial Management Program (SFM). When I first applied to SFM in grade 12, I was super excited, but a bit nervous. It was a brand-new program, and although I knew I would love my classes, I wondered how potential employers might react to this new degree offering.
A glimpse into the world of taxation: Lessons learned from placing second in the YTP Case Competition
Our team was comprised of two Master of Accounting (MAcc) students who completed all their co-op terms in audit and a fourth-year Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) student who only completed one of his co-op terms in a tax-related role. With a limited background in tax, we all felt underqualified heading into the case competition since we knew we would be competing against peers with much more relevant tax experience. Although our success in the competition was down to our own research, collaboration, and presentation efforts, we would like to give a special mention to our professor, Julie Robson. Professor Robson reached out to us initially and encouraged all of our team members to compete. Without this nudge from her, it is unlikely that we would’ve signed up and achieved this successful win. Tax is definitely one of those areas that can be intimidating, even to accounting professionals, and so sometimes all that’s needed is a little encouragement!
Creativity and Tax Knowledge Intersect at the Lang Tax Conference
The Lang Tax Conference was an amazing opportunity for our team to combine creativity and research skills in a tax policy-based setting! This was our second year participating in the competition, so we had an idea of what to expect, but it was the first time we were able to prepare for the case and attend the conference in-person.
An opportunity to explore project management and finance
We are a team of Accounting and Financial Management students from the University of Waterloo who had the opportunity to participate in this exciting Eclipse Case Competition open for undergraduate students across Ontario. Our team, consisting of Mohammad, Robert, Bryce, and Nathan, had an incredible time at the competition, and we’re excited to share our experience with you.
Growing our passion in tax: Reflections on placing first at the YTP case competition
Our team (from left to right: Anshul, Baldwyn, and Rebecca) recently had the opportunity to compete in the Young Tax Professionals (YTP) Case Competition on June 16, 2023. We had a great experience where we got to use the tax knowledge, research abilities and presentation skills that we have learned from our undergraduate and master’s programs.
Taking the Bespoke Approach
The 10th edition of the School of Accounting and Finance’s (SAF) Investment Research Challenge (IRC) brought anticipation and excitement. As a team of students who enjoy pitch competitions, we knew we had to try our best during the competition if we were to win the top prize. After weeks of preparation and a day of competing, we were incredibly happy to hear that we won first place!
Our journey to first place at the SAF Strategy Competition
After competing in several case competitions together, our team decided that the SAF Strategy Competition was an amazing opportunity for us to apply our skills at home in Hagey Hall.
For this year’s competition, we were tasked with developing creative strategies to help Tesla stay ahead in the electric vehicle (EV) market. With such an ambitious ask, our team took advantage of the room for creative freedom and presented a three-pronged strategy to tackle this challenge: addressing current issues in Tesla’s customer journey, launching a new brand to compete with lower-cost EVs, and establishing a strategic partnership with a rideshare company to drive further product awareness.
Building Connections Across the World
As the corporate relations team for the International Study Course Trip to Vietnam, our mission is to establish strong connections with industry professionals across the globe. With its dynamic business landscape, Vietnam has emerged as a promising destination for collaborations and partnerships. Despite encountering several challenges, our team has honed valuable skills and tactics to ensure our success in reaching out and arranging meetings with industry experts in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.