Non-Profit Organization Consulting (NPOC) Articles
Non-profit organizations (NPOs) are not required to incorporate. Check out why!
The nature of the not-for-profit sector can be volatile and unpredictable - because of this, NPOs are often faced with cash flow constraints and limitations.
NPOs face many day-to-day issues that they must plan and account for, fundraising is a major one. There are many fundraising options for NPOs but sometimes it is hard to narrow down these options or choose the most effective one. So, what are some fundraising options for start-up not-for-profit organizations?
Ways to find and retain donors and supporters.
In general, GST/HST applies to most properties and services that non-profit organizations (NPOs) supply. As a result, most NPOs must charge GST/HST on the goods and services that they supply, and remit collected amounts to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
It’s important to effectively communicate and present your organization’s KPIs. From presenting KPIs in a report, slideshow, dashboard, or website, it allows others to effectively understand your data. This is a crucial step to help your organization determine its next steps for growth and greater employee engagement.
It’s important to evaluate the performance of the company, but at the expense of performance metrics conflicting with the operations of a business. This is done through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Within this article the various KPIs are discussed and how to use them to grow a business.
Recruiting for Not-for-Profit Organizations
Performance management is a proceeding process. The NPOC Performance Management series will answer questions such as how to create, communicate, and use performance metrics to align employees, resources and systems to an organization’s goals.
A look into the various challenges and questions NPOs face, especially in their start-up phase.
Keep your activities in a business on track by comparing goals with results. These results could be lagging or leading indicators and can be used to craft a strategic plan to restructure goals for the future.
What Does It Mean to be a Registered Charity?
In Ontario, all real property is subject to municipal property tax. Ontario’s Assessment Act provides exemptions for certain organizations. Eligible organizations are not subject to Ontario property tax on land used and occupied by the organization.
Learn about the two frameworks (CPA Canada’s PM4NPO and the Government of Canada’s Performance Measurement Strategy Framework) tools to help your organization plan, review, and assess its activities.
Personnel and cultural controls are different from key performance indicators (KPIs). These two controls are not data driven, but can be a cost effective way to increase employee motivation and performance
The increasing need for virtual fundraising and volunteering opportunities in the post-COVID-19 era.
Organizations that operate on a non-profit basis can be classified as a charity or non-profit organization (NPO). Organizations operating as a charity cannot be considered an NPO even if the charity is not registered or cannot be registered. Please note there are separate rules for Canadian amateur athletic associations and these rules are not discussed in this article.
Non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Canada are generally required to file a tax return even though they are exempt from tax on all or parts of its taxable income under the Income Tax Act.