#TechHour – User Experience

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

User experience (UX) is how you interact with software (as an example: the videos on YouTube are the content, the YouTube home page is the UX), and is an important part of software (and hardware) development, that is often overlooked. Two local UX experts have created the Fluxible conference in the Region, which has become a must-attend event for the UX community. Speakers will be coming in from across North America and locally including Facebook, GE, Thalmic Labs and elsewhere.

The 2 co-founders, Robert Barlow-Busch and Mark Connolly, kick off the show talking about UX and the conference. Segment 2 features Steve Portigal who has worked with Amazon and other major companies on UX issues, followed by an interview with the head of UX at Thalmic Labs, Brent Bisaillon. Karin Schmidlin from University of Waterloo-Stratford explains how User Experiences is a growing career choice. For people who love technology but don’t want to be a programmer? UX blends technology and engineering with the humanities and social sciences. Universities and colleges are providing education opportunities related to UX to help people get into this field.

12:00pm- Robert Barlow-Busch and Mark Connolly, Co-founders of Fluxible Conference
@uxMark & @becubed w/ @TheFluxible

12:15pm- Steve PortigalUX researcher, Author and Founder of Portigal Consulting, based in San Francisco

12:30pm- Brent Bisaillon, head of UX at Thalmic Labs
@bbsaillon w/ @Thalmic

12:45pm- Karin Schmidlin, Professor at University of Waterloo-Stratford
@k_arin w/ @uwstratford

Listen to #TechHour – User Experience (.mp3)

From 570news.com.