Get Ready for Your Fall 2024 Term

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The fall 2024 term is beginning in a couple of weeks! Below you will find some action items and information to get you ready for the term.

In this communication:

  • Important dates
  • Checklist of action items
  • Information about how to access your online courses
  • Study spaces and student resources

Academic dates

A few key dates to know:

  • August 20: Tuition and fees due
  • September 4: Classes begin
  • September 17: Last day to add a class
  • October 12-20: Reading week
  • December 3: Classes end
  • December 6-20: Final Exam Period

Getting ready checklist

To do now

  • Your fall 2024 fee bill is available in Quest. Complete your payment in full or your Promissory Note in Quest. Watch the instructional video on how to become Fees Arranged.
  • Conduct a termly verification of your personal information in Quest and update as necessary.
  • Log in to WatIAM to enter an external password recovery email address so you don't get locked out of your University accounts.
  • If you have a known or suspected disability, condition, illness, or injury, or if you are experiencing impacts from trauma, apply online with AccessAbility Services to develop your academic accommodation plan.

To do in September

  • Finalize and confirm your class schedule in Quest. You have until September 17 to add or swap classes.
  • Did you make changes to your schedule? Review your tuition and fee bill to see if those changes had any impacts on your bill.
  • If you have not picked up your WatCard (student identification card) yet, apply online and pick it up in The Centre (first floor, Needles Hall) when you are on campus.
    • For fully online students, request a PDF version of your WatCard through the online form.
  • Your personalized list of textbooks and course materials required for your courses will be available to order on the first day of class. Stay tuned for an email from W Store closer to the start of the term.
  • Log in to the Library's Course reserves for access to selected readings for specific courses.
  • Log in to LEARN on or after September 4 to see what courses will be using this platform.
  • September 1-30: Fall term opt-out window for the Grand River Transit (GRT) Universal bus pass if you will not be in Waterloo Region for the term.
  • September 4-24: Annual opt-out window for health and dental insurance coverage if fall 2024 is your first academic term in 2024-2025.

Accessing your online classes

Registered for an online course?

  • Reliable internet access will be required.
  • Tools such as a webcam may be used in your course.
  • If your instructor is using LEARN (the web-based learning management system):
  • If instructors are using other platforms, you can expect:
    • An email from your instructor, no later than Friday, September 6, to your email address.
    • After September 6, if you still haven't heard from your instructor, reach out to them via email.
  • Have an online class while on campus? You can use available computer labs, libraries, open study spaces, and empty classrooms.

Need support? Learn more about the Student IT Services available to you.

Study spaces & resources

Places to study on campus

Student resources

Your UWaterloo life is just one click away! Bookmark this website to easily access help and support throughout the term.

  • Get involved and build your UWaterloo community.
  • Prioritize your physical and mental health.
  • Find academic supports and resources.
  • Boost your résumé, enhance your professional skills, and get co-op and career support.