Board member since 2017
Tracy Mann is the Vice President, Enterprise Risk Management and Chief Compliance Officer at Definity Financial. At Definity, she has held various senior positions in the Finance and the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) departments. In ERM, Tracy supports front-line management in identifying, assessing, mitigating, and reporting on enterprise-wide risk, with a specific focus on operational and regulatory compliance risks. Along with risk management experience, she has extensive experience in technical accounting and financial reporting.
Tracy has undergraduate and Master's degrees in Accounting from the University of Waterloo, and a Master's Certificate in Risk Management & Business Performance from the Schulich School of Business. Tracy also holds Canadian and US professional accounting designations.
Tracy’s volunteer work includes board roles with United College, the YMCA of Three Rivers and the Keyna Kids Foundation and as an Advisory Committee Member for Property and Casualty Insurance Compensation Corporation and for the School of Accounting and Finance at the University of Waterloo.
Some of Tracy’s hobbies are marathon running, cooking and travelling.