With the recent opening of the Green Wing, hanging student art in the halls seemed like a perfect way to showcase these no-longer-hidden talents. A committee of students and staff was struck in the fall of 2017. St. Paul’s community members were invited to submit paintings, drawings and photographs. The committee then considered which pieces of art would best suit different floors of the building.
Residence and Community Life Manager, Steve Prentice says, “We used different themes for different floors. For instance the Blackforest floor has an ecological theme, while the art on Arcadia focuses on inclusivity and acceptance.”
By the time students returned from reading week, the halls of the residence were no longer empty and institutional, but instead reflected the diverse experiences and talents of students and alumni, with fifty new pieces of art in total being hung in the residence. International Development students and alumni who traveled the world included their stunning photographs in the collection.

Student response has been very positive and the art helps first-year residents appreciate elements of the College’s history. Steve Prentice adds, “It creates a bit of a tradition to see what has been made before and gives students something to align to.”
And this is not the end of the visual transformation of the College. A mural and logo project for all the floors is currently underway while more art may be considered for other parts of the residence.
Prentice says, “Especially at UWaterloo with its heavy tech focus, we think it’s important not to lose sight of the more creative side of student life.”