Six GreenHouse social ventures received a total of $13,000 at the latest Social Impact Showcase, which highlights the work of each term’s innovators.

Half the SIF recipients were GreenHouse Fellows – winners of the Big Ideas Challenge, an annual event in which students pitch their ideas for social good; the winners get summer-long GreenHouse Fellowships.
All GreenHouse students have access to the SIF grants at the end of each term, and pitch their ideas in front of a panel before the Showcase.
Here are all the Spring 2017 winners and their ventures:
Arawelo: Indi Madar
(Master’s in Sustainability Management)
$2,500 to help create a cross-cultural women’s health platform
MapleKey: Julia Hiscock
$2,500 to bring innovative technology into shelters to create safe, secure, and private accommodations for the transient community
Bamboo Labs: Dhruv Guliani and Shahid Mawji
(Mechatronics Engineering)
$2,000 to develop a technology consulting venture, specializing in helping companies become more socially responsible
SheLeads: Cassie Myers
(Peace and Conflict Studies)
$2,500 to empower girls to realize their leadership potential through skill-based games
Just Bee: Bailee Walls-Guertin
(Health Studies)
$2,500 to create education materials which teach emotional intelligence to children
Finer Minds: Elizabeth Stankiewicz
$1,000 to develop a skill-building program for homeless youth with a mental health focus
Read more about some of the SIF winners on the Waterloo Stories site.