Hack4Health 4.0 awards prizes for innovation in the kitchen

Tuesday, October 16, 2018
GreenHouse in partnership with the Murray Alzheimer Research and Education Program and the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, hosted Hack4Health 4.0, alongside the MS Society and the Alzheimer Society.  Hack4Health is a hackathon focused on creating positive social impact by improving the quality of life for those living with multiple sclerosis and dementia.  Twelve teams spent two days learning from and engaging with 30 mentors.  What makes Hack4Health unique is the utilization of mentors not only with technology, business and healthcare backgrounds, but mentors with invaluable perspective of lived experience, i.e. people living with dementia or MS and their care partners.
With the generous support of Sanofi Genzyme, two teams were awarded the opportunity to move their solutions forward by participating in the GreenHouse incubation program.  In addition, all participants will have the opportunity to apply and be supported through the Workplace Innovation Program where students will work within partner organizations to co-create and test solutions aimed at improving the quality of life for those living with dementia or multiple sclerosis.
Winners for the Best Potential for Impact category were HotStop, a team focused on empowering and supporting individuals living with mild to moderate dementia to cook both independently and safely in their homes. Using a mat sensor that detects when a stove is left unattended and an automatic shut-off mechanism for stove burners, their stove retrofit looks to decrease in-home injuries by automatically shutting off a stove and/or reminding the individuals cooking when the stove is left in unsafe conditions.
Hot Stop Team pic
HotStop team from left to right: Kira Wadden, Maya Pavlova, Simona Rocco, Elena Damus, Trevor Yu.

Winners for the Best Problem-Solution Fit category were BakeDem, a team who focused on using a baking social media app to tackle social isolation and withdrawal from social activities for those living with mild to moderate dementia. Their app will contain simple recipes designed for the individual living with dementia’s ability level and pairs the tablets of individuals living with dementia to that of their loved-ones or caregivers so they can be actively included in the baking experience.

BakeDem Team photo
BakeDem team from left to right: Jeriann Hsiao, Rachel DiMaio, Cathleen Leone, Erin Roulston, Marissa Barbosa and Catherine Lee.