Graduating students hands with their new rings.
Thursday, June 20, 2024

International Development Ring Ceremony

by Rebecca Wagner, Director of External Relations at United College    
It was an awarding of rings to mark one of life’s most significant transitions and a coming together of a small cohort of graduates for an intimate final send-off.
For students in the International Development program (INDEV), a collaboration between United College and the Faculty of Environment, the International Development ring ceremony was an opportunity to celebrate the unique bond shared between the tight-knit graduating class.

International Development students with their professors.

“It’s important that we hold the ceremony with loved ones present,” shares John Abraham, academic dean of United College. “Families and friends have always been an important part of the ceremony, as they are part of the journey. Parents and supporters fly in from around the world, and we get to shake their hand and welcome them to United College. It’s pretty special.”
The new rings, initially unveiled for the 2023 graduating class, incorporate the old and the new. They feature the new United College logo to reflect the College’s recent re-branding, and a map of the world, which carries forward design elements from the rings of previous graduating classes. The map of the world serves as a reminder to serve and act locally and globally, and to continue to have and promote a sustainable impact.

Class Ring for 2024 INDEV graduating class sitting in flowers

“The ring, the endless circle around your finger, consecrates a covenant, your commitment to watch over the planet,” shares Michaëlle Jean, chancellor of United College. “It symbolizes a never-ending commitment, to follow the thread, the path of serving true global development. It is a vow to make the world a better place for all.”  
Through virtual greetings, Michaëlle Jean thanked students for focusing their studies on something truly impactful. “You have chosen to look beyond the confines of your own experience, to open your minds and hearts to wider areas of concern that encompass the world.”
Unique to INDEV is an optional 8-month overseas placement in students’ final year of studies facilitated by the World University Service of Canada. Two students from the graduating Class of 2024, Emily Meissner and Millie Balmer, completed their placement in Kampala, Uganda, at community-based organizations Uganda Small Scales Industries Association and the Africa Agribusiness Academy.
Whether degrees included an overseas placement, a capstone project, or a thesis, the ring ceremony was a celebration of students’ unique local and global social impact, and a recognition of personal and professional growth.

And it was a celebration of the promise of even greater impact to come, supported by the many friends made along the way.       

INDEV graduates

Graduating students present at the ring ceremony: Cassidy Zelle, Cristina Everett, Habibah Ibrahim, Jonah Barkley, Emily Meissner, Millie Balmer, Sergo Haille. Rings awarded in absentia: Ryan Ertel, Sergio Wang.  

Article originally published in the University of Waterloo’s “Daily Bulletin” on June 20th, 2024, here