Tracy Primeau

tracy primeau

Board member since 2020
Tracy Primeau has more than 30 year’s experience in the energy sector, recently retiring from Bruce Power as a Shift Manager in the operations division.  Tracy began her career in the nuclear industry where she was one of the few women to become a CNSC-licensed Authorized Nuclear Operator and the only female shift manager to work her way up from the shop floor.
Throughout her career Tracy has been a tireless communicator, having been an active member of Women in Nuclear (WiN) Canada, where she currently holds a WiN Canada Board position.  She is also a mentor and role model to many men and women in the energy sector. She joined Ontario Power Generation’s Board of Directors in July 2021. 
As a proud member of the Nipissing First Nation, Tracy strives to use the Seven Grandfather Teachings in her leadership every day.  She was a founding member of the Ontario Hydro Native Circle in 1992 and was the first Chair of the Bruce Power Native Circle, a position she held for many years.
Raising her two boys with her husband Dave, Tracy has always been active in her community. Currently, she is the Past Board Chair of the Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey, works on many local municipal committees and recently joined the National Museum of Science and Technology Board of Trustees. 
Tracy holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Waterloo and is an active alumni member of United College and their Indigenous program as well as serving on their Board of Directors.