Tip of the month: Formatting and links in the Calendar

Monday, March 3, 2025
by Meghan Miceli

Some Kuali CM fields include text boxes that allow for formatting and inserting links. To keep the look and feel (and accessibility) of the academic calendar consistent, it is crucial to follow the guidelines created by the Office of the Registrar for text boxes with formatting. This includes instructions on how to use fonts, the order of headings, acceptable list formats, how to space paragraphs, and when to use tables. 

A reminder on formatting that is now allowed

  • Headers should never be bolded – this is taken care of automatically by system styles. 
  • Headers should not be followed by punctuation [e.g., a colon (:)].
  • Do not add spaces between paragraphs – only use the Enter key once.
    • We know this looks weird in CM, but paragraph spacing is taken care of automatically by system styles.
  •  Images are not allowed in the academic calendar.

How to create links

Follow the link guidelines when creating links in text boxes. 

Internal links

Note there is a special internal link process for links to Calendar content, which is important to ensure the link continues to work year-after-year once a Calendar has been archived.

Important: If an internal link in Kuali CM works when selecting it from the record in Kuali CM, it will not work in the published Calendar. The expected result of clicking on an internal link while in Kuali CM is a 404 Not Found error.

You can verify a correct internal link in the following ways:

  • In Kuali CM, when hovering over the link, the URL should begin with "https://uwaterloocm.kuali.co/cm/#"
    • For example, links in Kuali CM records to the Bachelor of Arts degree-level requirements page have the URL https://uwaterloocm.kuali.co/cm/#/programs/SyLzAe5R3
  • Copy the part of the link following the # and in a separate browser tab paste it to the end of this starting URL: https://uwaterloo.ca/academic-calendar/undergraduate-studies/catalog#


Have further questions about the guidelines for formatting text boxes and creating links? Reach out via the support portal.