Users can locate and view draft proposals in Kuali CM in a few ways, dependent on the access a user has in the system and their relationship to the draft proposal.
All proposals can be accessed by first navigating to the Proposals tab, then using the Search bar and/or the Search Options to narrow results. Selecting the My Proposals box will filter to display only the signed-in user's proposals – that is, proposals they created or they were invited to collaborate on by a colleague. Deselecting the My Proposals box will ensure visibility of only others' proposals.

In addition to the Proposals database, proposers can access their own drafts (My Proposals) through their Dashboard, or – for changes to existing curriculum – by navigating to the active record in the applicable database (i.e., Courses, Programs & Plans) and selecting View My Proposal from the right navigation menu.
Sample dashboard view:

Sample view, searching for an active record in the Programs & Plans database:

Sample view, the View My Proposal button in an active record: