Tip of the week: Adding courses to a list in a program or plan

Monday, June 3, 2024
by Meghan Miceli

When editing a program or plan, and adding new courses to an existing list of courses, you will notice Kuali CM does not include functionality for reordering the list. 

Currently, the only option to ensure alpha-numeric ordering in Kuali is to manually build the list in the correct order. For short lists of courses, the Office of the Registrar would be appreciative if you can rebuild the list. To do so:

  1. Take a screenshot of the list of courses before any edits are made.
  2. Add the new course(s) to the end of the list, following alpha-numeric order if you are adding more than one course. 
  3. Delete the course(s) from the list that are now out of order by selecting the trash can icon next to the course code.
  4. Re-add the deleted courses in the correct alpha-numeric order.

For long lists of courses, it is not necessary to rebuild the list when making your proposal. Simply add the new course(s) to the end of the list, and leave the existing courses as is. Once your proposal is in the final step of the workflow, the Office of the Registrar will rebuild the list to appear in accordance with Academic Calendar style guidelines.

Video demonstration: how to reorder a plan list

Remote video URL