Student technology lab

Technology lab in Needles Hall

The Technology Lab is located in 1441 Needles Hall and is open during AccessAbility Services hours.


Assistive software and hardware in the labs include:

  • Dragon NaturallySpeaking
  • Kurzweil 3000 and 1000
  • Inspiration
  • ZoomText
  • JAWS
  • CCTV

Adaptive equipment loan program

The following adaptive equipment is available for students to sign-out on a daily, weekly or term basis.  It is loaned on a first come, first serve basis.  For information about the equipment available for loan, contact your Accommodation Consultant.

  • Digital recorders
  • FM Listening Systems (both systems have over the ear headsets)
  • Visual Alert System
  • Light therapy lamps
  • Livescribe Pens
  • Software license for Kurzweil 3000
  • Limited licenses of Audio Notetaker
  • Use of laptop in class
  • Portable CCTV