Applied Math Seminar | Roberto Guglielmi, Control and stabilization of evolution models

Tuesday, February 4, 2020 2:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

MC 6460


Roberto Guglielmi |  Gran Sasso Science Institute


Control and stabilization of evolution models


In this talk we give an overview on selected methods in control and stabilization of evolution control systems. In particular, we present two different energy-type methods to ensure the stabilization of systems of second-order hyperbolic equations and the controllability of degenerate parabolic equations. Moreover, we describe a statistical approach to a stochastic optimal control problem, leading to a deterministic control system. Finally, we focus on the characterization of turnpike phenomena in optimal control problems by means of strict dissipativity and of detectability/stabilizability of the underlying dynamical control system.