Fall 2018 Student TA Preferences
Please complete this web form in order to submit your preferences for your top 3 courses/categories for Fall 2018 TA assignments (1st, 2nd, 3rd choices for both MATH and AMATH courses).
Note: Grad students in their first year will typically only be assigned to MATH Undergrad Courses but can still provide their AMATH course preferences.
Course Descriptions can be found in the Graduate Calendar:
Undergraduate Course Descriptions
Graduate Courses Descriptions
Core = courses offered to MATH students
Service = courses offered to non-MATH students
The Faculty of Math requires graduate TA students to complete the Conflict Management and Human Rights Office (CMAHRO): Responsibilities Regarding Harassment and Discrimination online module and quiz. Both components should take the student 45-60 mins to complete and the students are required to have a passing grade of 72% or 8/11.
Please see the new “Mathematics graduate teaching assistant” webpage (item #2) for more details