Graduate Student Seminar | Dongchang Li, Quickest Change Detection

Friday, March 15, 2024 4:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)


Dongchang Li  | University of Waterloo


Quickest Change Detection


Quickest change detection (QCD) is a vital procedure of system monitoring that involves optimizing the tradeoff between a measure of detection delay and a measure of the frequency of false alarms. From a filtering point of view, we propose an effective method of tracking the generalized cumulative sum (CUSUM) statistics in practice to detect a change in the hidden Markov models with nonlinear dynamics.

Specifically, we focus on the cases where the change excites deterministic dynamical systems from a pre-change steady state to a post-change steady state, and to post-change periodic oscillations. The performance of the generalized CUSUMs using particle filters, in particular, is examined with Monte Carlo simulations in the pure surge mode of Moore-Greitzer compressor models with an additive change.