Workshop on Quantum Groups in Quantum Gravity (April 25-29th)

Monday, March 21, 2016

M. Dupuis, F. Girelli (from the Math Phys group) and A. Riello (PI) organize a workshop (April 25-29th) sponsored by the Fields Institute, the UW Math Faculty and Perimeter Institute, dedicated to the use of Poisson-Lie groups / quantum groups in quantum gravity. The workshop will be located  in the university, probably the IQC (QNC building).

The workshop will have a school component for young researchers: there will be some mini-courses on category theory/TQFT, Poisson Lie groups, quantum groups, and Chern-Simons theory. 

Some key speakers/lecturers include: H. Verlinde (Princeton), E. Meinrenken (Toronto), S. Gukov (Caltech), S. Majid (Queen Mary London), J. Barrett (Nottingham)   

Lunch (included in the (modest) registration fee) will be provided too, so we need to assess how many people will attend. If you are interested register soon! The deadline is April 1st. 

For further information and the registration page see: