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Adil Al-Mayah
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Associate Professor, Associate Chair

Jason Au
Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Assistant Professor

Maud Gorbet
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Biomedical Engineering Program Director

[YouTube] December 23, 2013 "Waterloo Engineering Research: Targeted Drug Delivery"
[Daily Bulletin] June 1, 2018, 11 CBB Members Named Outstanding Performance Award Winners
Okey Igboeli
Science and Business, Associate Professor - Teaching Stream, Director of Science and Business Program

Subha Kalyaanamoorthy
Chemistry, Assistant Professor

Research Interests:
- Design/discovery of potential therapeutics to target various diseases
- Understanding the structure and pharmacology of membrane proteins
- Development of in silico methods/tools for sequence, structure and functional analysis
- Inferring the structure-function evolution of proteins
- Protein engineering for biotechnology and pharmaceutical applications
[American Chemical Society] January 23, 2012 "Exploring Inhibitor Release Pathways in Histone Deacetylases Using Random Acceleration Molecular Dynamics Simulations"
[Wiley Online Library] July 27, 2013 "Ligand release mechanisms and channels in histone deacetylases"
[Royal Society of Chemistry] December 19, 2013 "A steered molecular dynamics mediated hit discovery for histone deacetylases"
[Nature Methods] May 8, 2017 "ModelFinder: fast model selection for accurate phylogenetic estimates"
[Royal Society of Chemistry] October 24, 2017 "Reverse engineering: transaminase biocatalyst development using ancestral sequence reconstruction"
Karim Sallaudin Karim
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests:
Low-dose, low-cost x-ray imaging system (e.g. tuberculosis screening)
Circuit technology, Photon counting circuits for biomedical imaging
Large area digital medical imaging
Silicon Thin-film Applied Research
Device physics
Amorphous semiconductors and semiconductor devices
[Engineering News] November 12, 2018 "New X-ray technology to be tested on cancer patients"
[YouTube Lecture] September 30, 2014 "Bending the cost curve: Building a $1000 diagnostic X-ray imager for scalable and sustainable healthcare"
[Office of Research] "Paving the way for a digital X-ray and health-care revolution"
Anita Layton
Applied Mathematics

Research Interests:
Integrative kidney physiology
Biofluid dynamics
- Hypertension
March 29, 2018 "Canada 150 Research Chair joins Department of Applied Mathematics"
Veronika Magdanz
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- sperm cells
- magnetic actuation
- remote control
- wireless
- soft robots
- medical robots
- bioprinting
- 3D printing
We develop microrobots for medical applications. The goal is to develop more targeted, active, but less invasive strategies for drug or cell delivery with the help of wireless, autonomously moving microrobots. One strategy is to combine biological elements with artificial components in a biohybrid approach. The biological component (cells, molecules) can serve as power source, loading unit or structural unit.
One example is the "spermbot" - a sperm cell remotely controlled with magnetic fields:
Another example is IRONSperm: a magnetically functionalized nonmotile sperm driven by magnetic fields:
Inspired by the motion of sperm, we also develop small scale flexible magnetic robots for noninvasive surgery (coming soon). I am also interested in reproductive biology and research that elucidates reasons for infertility. We look into the mechanisms of sperm migration and some interesting phenomena, such as sperm bundling (publication online soon)
[Google Scholar]
Zhao Pan
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research interests:
- Fluid dynamics
- Bio-mechanics
- Micro-fluids
- Flow diagnostics
- Uncertainty quantification
- Velocimetry-based pressure measurement
- Cavitation
- Droplets and bubbles
- Jets
- Dynamics and controls
[Science Mag] June 6, 2016 "This desert moss can water itself with fog"
[Nature] June 08, 2016 "How desert moss drinks from air"
[PNAS] June 22, 2017 "Cavitation onset caused by acceleration"
Sean Peterson
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
Biological fluid dynamics, fluid/structure interaction, vortex dynamics, diagnostic methods
Energy harvesting
Cardiovascular and mechanical blood flow models
Human phonation, vocal fold modeling
Stent modeling and design
Biomimetic propulsors
[CBB researcher story] January 8, 2013 "The Ability to be Heard Above the Crowd"
Parsin Haji Reza
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests
- Early Cancer Detection
- Eliminating Positive Surgical Margins
- Non-contact Biopsies for Endoscopy
- Functional Brain Imaging
- Early Detection and Understanding the Age-related Vision Loss Problems
- Wound Care
- Cardiovascular
- Machine learning/AI
Tais Sigaeva
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- soft tissue
- nonlinear elasticity
- continuum mechanics
- mechanical testing
- uniaxial testing
- biaxial testing
- residual stress
- data analysis
- constitutive modelling
- cardiovascular mechanics
- fibrous micro-structure
- multiphoton microscopy
- heterogeneity
- anisotropy
- layers
- aneurysms
- skin
Madjid Soltani
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Adjunct Assistant Professor

David Spafford

Research Interests:
Calcium channel analysis for target drug delivery for treatment of pain, arrhythmias, angina, and potential benefits in treatment of epilepsy and cancer.
Structure, function and pharmacology of calcium channels and sodium channels
Structure and function and analysis of NALCN cation channel and anti-calcium channel toxins
The Spafford Neurobiology Research Laboratory studies voltage-gated calcium channels, molecular physiology, biophysics, cell biology, protein biochemistry, fluorescence microscopy and tissue cultures.
[Science News] April 25, 2014 "Waterloo discovers a key regulator in the pacemakers of our brain and heart"
Alex Wong
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
Biomedical image processing and analysis (prostate, breast, lung and dermatological cancer analysis, retinal photoreceptor and blood vessel analysis, musculoskeletal kinematic analysis
Remote sensing data processing and analysis (sea ice, underwater object, oil spill analysis)
Perceptual based video and image processing (noise reduction, compression, enhancement)
Computer vision and pattern recognition
Multimedia management systems
3D graphics and game development
Cognitive radio networks
Canada Research Chair in Medical Imaging Systems [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Daily Bulletin] June 1, 2018, 11 CBB Members Named Outstanding Performance Award Winners
[Waterloo News] [CBC News] [Gadgets] May 16, 2018, Co-authors discuss the use of aerobic fitness data from wearable tech to predict illness
[Waterloo News] May 15, 2018 "Researchers combine wearable technology and AI to predict the onset of health problems"
[Global Impact] [570 news] [Youtube] April 11, 2018 "How AI is helping doctors diagnose Cancer"
[The Star] February 9, 2018 "How TheRedPin aims to take a swipe at the real estate industry"
[Waterloo News] June 7, 2017 "Artificial intelligence-driven imaging research makes diagnosing disease easier"
[Waterloo Stories] January 28, 2017 "Artificial intelligence and the Waterloo-Toronto tech supercluster"
[Waterloo Stories] May 20, 2016 "Breakthrough tech helps doctors more accurately diagnose cancer"
[CBB researcher story] January 9, 2013 "Improving Early Diagnosis to Save Lives"
[Waterloo Stories] January 9, 2013 "Making it harder for cancer to hide"
[YouTube Lecture] October 1, 2014 "Integrative systems for biomedical imaging and analysis"
John Yeow
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
Nanodevices and carbon nanotube-based sensors for biomedical applications (early disease detection)
Microassembly and micromirror devices for genetic microarray reading and tissue imaging
Lab-on-a-chip designs
Canada Research Chair in Micro and NanoDevices [Canada Research Chair Profile]
Evelyn Yim
Chemical Engineering

Research Interests:
Stem cells, nanofabrication and advancement of biomaterials in healthcare technologies to repair, replace or regenerate damaged tissue and organ structures
Fabrication and application of nano-structure for biomedical applications in neural, vascular, and cornea tissue engineering
Biomaterial approach to study ex-vivo pluripotent stem cell expansion
Modulation of cell behavior with nanotopography
Topography-regulation of stem cells lineage commitment and differentiation
Differentiation of adult and pluripotent stem cells with nanotopography
Alfred Yu
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests:
Ultrasound imaging innovations: Complex flow imaging, High-performance beamforming platforms, Flow phantom design
Therapeutic ultrasound discoveries: Sonoporation, Micro/nanobubble cavitation, Wave-matter interactions, Cellular dynamics studies