Table of Contents
2. Roles and Responsibilities
The University has established comprehensive guidelines outlining the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders to ensure a safe and healthy environment. These stakeholders include the University administration, supervisors, and all workers*, students, and visitors. Each group plays a critical role in maintaining compliance with health and safety legislation, promoting a culture of safety, and addressing environmental impacts. The following summary details the specific responsibilities assigned to each group to uphold these standards.
* In the Department of Chemical Engineering, the term "workers" includes everyone performing research activities, whether in research labs, mathematical modeling, or other departmental facilities. This includes graduate students, researchers, co-op students, and volunteers. In this context, the term “worker” is interchangeable with “researcher”.
2.1. University:
- Ensure a safe environment for everyone (workers, students, visitors).
- Comply with health and safety laws.
- Develops and communicates health and safety programs and standards.
- Assists and cooperates with the Joint Health and Safety Committees.
2.2. Supervisors:
- Provide a safe work environment for their researchers.
- Train researchers on specific tasks.
- Comply with health and safety laws and university policies.
- Investigate and address safety hazards reported by researchers.
- Respond to researcher refusal of unsafe work.
- Ensure injured researchers receive proper care.
- Post safety information in a conspicuous location.
- Consult the Safety Office as needed.
2.3. Researchers, students, and visitors.
- Follow health and safety laws and university policies.
- Maintain personal safety and the safety of others
- Report unsafe conditions to supervisors or relevant authorities.
- Refuse unsafe tasks without fear of reprisal.
- Minimize the environmental impact of university operations.