Department of Chemical Engineering Safety Orientation
NOTE: There are four (4) required Online Safety Modules that MUST be completed prior to entering a ChE Research lab. Please e-mail a copy of your Safety Training Records to once completed.
For all members of the Chemical Engineering department, this safety training is considered to be valid for a 5 year period. Retraining should be done prior to the 5 year date, to ensure that the training is “current” for each module.
Safety training should be done as per the following chart. Access to Research Labs will only be provided by the Supervisor after the Safety Training has been completed by the researcher, and training records have been logged in by the ChE co-op student (who will notify the Supervisor via e-mail).

The appropriate sections of the university safety website describe the primary protocols for handling such activities and should be used as the primary information resource. Also note: your individual Safety Report must include details of any necessary specific safety issues regarding the work you are to carry out.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
………….The ChE Safety Committee