Estimated reading time: 1:30

Mapping, Analysis and Design (MAD) has undergone a work force planning review this past year and is excited to announce that they are changing their name to Environment Technology & Instructional Support (ETIS pronounced e-tis). This change will help clarify the services provided and demonstrates that the unit has grown from an IT focus to include instructional support through their work with the Environment Maker Space (formerly the “MAD Workshop”) and Ecology Lab.

The name change is not the only aspect of the unit that is evolving. There are three updates to their services that you should be aware of:

  1. Space changes – The lab space in EV2-1011 now has workstations where students can bring their own laptop to work on. This includes new docking stations and cables, and (coming soon) a lounge area with new, modern chairs and coffee tables so that students can take a break from their work. All of these updates were possible thanks to funding from WESEF.
  2. Equipment loans - The program is being phased out given a decline in interest and aging equipment. Functioning equipment will continue to be loaned out, but the responsibility of tracking and distribution is being taken on by other units and groups.
  3. Contact options – Getting in touch by email and web is changing.
    • Email - To help you directly connect with ETIS staff, the team is installing an online chatting tool to replace the previous email intake process. They will be launching the new chat tool starting mid-September and the will be phased out over the fall term. We will continue to use Jira and if you require technical support, please submit a ticket.
    • Web – To reflect the new name, the website url is being updated and will change to A url redirect will be installed so that if you use the old url, it won’t break.

For more information about these changes, please reach out to Donald Duff-McCracken.